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A late update. I am so sorry......T-0 Fill in the blank with your weapon.The separate option stories are later on in then chapter. :)
You wrapped your hand around something in a case and pulled it out of the chest.A ______.You looked at the weapons everyone else had picked.Seo-Yeon and her brother, Seo-Jun, and Seunghyun (TOP) had a dagger each.Jiyong (GD), Eun-Mi, Seungri and Daesung had a gun and Youngbae ( taeyang) and Chul-min had an axe. Nodding to each other as a sign of affirmation, Seo-Jun reached out a hand and pushed the door open.All of you stepped in.The moment all of you got into the connecting room, the door swung shut."locked"JiYong announced. As you turned to try opening the door, a piercing scream rang through the room."What was that?!" Seo-Yeon screamed, pointing to the ground. A creature, covered in blood, turned its head and looked at her with its eyes that looked half decomposed, just like the rest of its body. Opening its mouth, which was filled with sharp, yellow teeth, it screamed a horrible high-pitched scream. Floods of them, the creatures, appeared in the room and ran towards your group.The fight had begun.

A/N: Just to let you know, I suck at writing fight scenes so...bad writing alert I guess ☹️ :/

Gunshots, screams and the sound of our weapons slicing through flesh rang through the room. Bodies fell to the ground, just to be trampled over as more and more creatures ran in to fight. It seemed like this would never end. "Help!" You turned your head and saw that one of the creatures had grabbed onto (bigbang member of your choice).

If you picked A:
Quickly, you shot the creature trying to Attack you and ran towards (bigbang member of your choice).Aiming, you fired your gun. The bullet hit its target and the creature collapsed to the ground.Suddenly, you too were grabbed from behind.Cold,clammy hands curled around your neck.You screamed and shot directly behind you.The arms only tightened and you started to panic. Shooting behind yourself once more, you felt the arms weaken slightly.But by now, you were starting to run out of air.You shut your eyes in fear.The vice-like grip on your neck disappeared.Opening your eyes, you saw SeungHyun, stabbing the creature repeatedly. The moment the creature fell to the ground, the other creatures did too.A loud hissing noise was heard as the creatures skin dissolved.The bone soon followed. Finally, the fight was over.

If you picked B:
You panicked and threw your dagger at the creature. It hit it directly in the head and fell to the ground. You saw a creature closing in on you and was about to stab it when you realised, you had thrown your weapon away. You were defenseless. Quickly, you tried punching the creature.However, before you could reach out, you were grabbed from behind. Letting out a piercing scream, you started elbowing the creature behind you. The grip only got tighter and black spots filled your vision. Suddenly, air filled your lungs as you struggled for air. You fell to the ground and landed on shaky hands and knees. You looked up as hissing filled the room. The creatures seemed to be burnt away by acid and soon disappeared. The fight was over!

Yep! That's all for this chapter! Please comment and tell me what you think!!!!! 😄

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