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Chapter 3

Ruby’s POV:

I couldn’t possibly like Harry. Could I? Of course not. I mean I love One Direction and all, but I don’t think I could ever have a crush on him especially after what happened.

Plus that could never happen. He’s freaking Harry Styles.

“Mocha Cookie Crumble right?” Vanessa asked. She knew me so well! I liked hot coffee but I was more of a cold coffee kinda girl!

“Ahh! Love you, Pooky!” I said suffocating her in a bear hug. She hated them with an extreme burning passion. But does it look like I care?

Vanessa was honestly my best friend I could talk to her about anything. Whenever I needed her she could be serious and talk to me. And any other time she was a complete spaz.

“Are Harry and Zayn still out there?” Leah asked me.  The others turned around looking at me while they waited for my answer.

“Nope.” I declared popping the “p”.

They all gave my disgusted looks and Jordan slapped me. She’s always been a violent little bitch.

“What’s wrong?” I asked even though I knew why they were all giving me death glares but that would all change in a moment.

“Are you mental?!” Alexis questioned enraged. “Seriously Ruby I will schedule you an appointment with my therapist or check you into a crazy people hospital if you need it!”

I looked at all of them and gave them a cheeky grin. I received more intimidating looks and ANOTHER freaking slap from Jordan! Bitch needs to calms the hell down!

My smile disappeared and I stared at her with an I-will-cut-you-face. “Jordan cut it!”

“Why should I? You had ONE job,” she argued, “All you had to do was keep them occupied until we were done!”

“Because I have Harry Styles number and he has mine.” I say nonchalantly and take a sip of my favorite drink ever! It’s like heaven decided to come down to earth and make itself into a coffee drink!

“Damn it Jordan!” I say as she slaps me again. “Are you for real right now?”

“Well, you should have told us that you dumbass!” She exclaims then starts mumbling profanity. She has a bigger potty mouth than me!

Which isn’t saying much but still!

Sydney, Zoe, and Lexi come and hug me but Vanessa, Jordan, and Leah are surrounding Bribear who I think has fainted.

Harry POV:

Ok so maybe giving a fan my number wasn’t the best idea. And I only realized once Zayn yelled at me in the car on our way to rehearsal.

I must admit it was quite stupid. Maybe it won’t result badly though. Ruby seemed like a cool girl when I met her today. She didn’t freak out or try to take something from me. We actually had a pretty decent conversation.

Psycho’s always look that way at first. A creepy voice said in my head. But as it didn’t make any sense I shook the thought out of my head.

I was actually really excited to see Ruby again. There was something in her that intrigued me. And I could see us having good times together already.

I couldn’t pulled her out of my head so I decided to send her a text before entering rehearsal.

Hey Ruby! The boys and I aren’t doing anything tomorrow so we can hang out. Bring your friends! And I’ll bring the lads! Can’t wait to see you! –Harry

I was honestly excited to see her again. Hopefully things would go well between us and we could be really close.

Tomorrow could not come soon enough.

Briana POV:

That no good bitch! Why does she think she can steal my man!

I love harry! He’s by lil’ Harebear. I need him! Hopefully tomorrow will go well though and we’ll get on well with each other. I’d really want to be his girlfriend, get married, have about 3 kids, and buy a house close to Holmes Chapel (or wherever he wants to live), make a good living together, and then finally grow old together until Harry dies and I have to sadly bear life without him, but I’d be fine with being just friends.

As long as Ruby doesn’t have a closer relationship with him! I mean I doubt she’d do that to me. We’re really close and she’d never screw what we have up over a guy. Even if it was Harry Styles. I might but she wouldn’t. She’s too much of a devoted friend.

“Bri common we’re going shopping!” Ruby yelled from downstairs. Of course we had to go shopping! If we were to hang out with One Direction!

I love saying that!

Ruby POV:

“Where are we meeting them again?”

“Leah says we should just meet in front of the food court.” I replied to Vanessa. We were all going shopping. And since Zoe didn’t have enough space in her car Jordan was riding with me Vanessa and Bri.

I looked in the rearview mirror. Bri was looking out of the window completely ignoring Jordan. Which was weird for them. Usually we couldn’t get them to shut up. They laughed at everything too. Even if it wasn’t that funny. For example me. Like all the time. It’s almost like they were constantly high.

I turned on the radio to avoid the silence. And One Direction came on. They always make everything better.

“Lately I found myself thinking. Been dreaming about you lot. And up in my head I’m your boyfriend. But that’s one thing you’ve already got.” Vanessa sang to me jokingly while poking my cheek.

Bri joined in on Harry’s part, “Bottom of FormHe drives to school every morning

While I walk alone in the rain He'd kill me without any warning

If he took a look in my brain!”

I joined in on Zayn’s part (of course)!

Before we knew it we were at the mall! It felt good to loosen up a little bit in the car. I felt since earlier today. Bri hasn’t been the same towards me. Especially after he saw the text Harry sent me. He said he couldn’t wait to see me! I mean I don’t feel any other feelings towards him, besides just loving him because he’s Harry Styles, but him texting me was still really cool!

But I knew Briana was worried about Harry not paying attention to her. And I was going to help her get closer to him in any way possible. So tomorrow when we go to see the boys I will ignore Harry and spend most of my time with Zayn! Or Louis!

I can’t wait for tomorrow.

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