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Chapter 6

Ruby’s POV

I was starting to get worried. Vanessa wasn’t home yet from when she went out yesterday and it’s now 2:15 pm. This was not like her. AT ALL!

She was such an organized and responsible person and if she wasn’t coming home she would at least call or send me a text. Plus she had work today. And she’s never missed a day EVER!

I’d been blowing up her phone all day and nothing! I even tried my other friends to see if they had seen or heard from her but nothing! Zip! Nada! Zilch!

Bri wasn’t home so I was pacing back and forth in my living room. Racking my brain for hints of where she might be. But all that I could think of were terrible things……… and arrangements for her funeral. I literally about to start pulling chunks out of my hair when I heard a knock at the door.

Oh God is that her! Please let it be her! I thought to myself, bolting towards the door.

It wasn’t her.

“Harry?!” I said uncertainly. It was a pleasant surprise. I mean everyone wants Harry freaking Styles at their doorstep, but I was actually somewhat disappointed that it wasn’t Vanessa.

“Hello, love,” he said flashing that magnificent smile of his.

“Uh….. hi?” I replied I was still confused why he was here. And why he was here. We’ve gone out with Briana multiple times together, but I hadn’t given him my address. We would just always meet up. “How’d you get here?”

“I drove,” he stated brightly like I was the dumb one…..I’m not dumb!

“No dumbest,” I retorted jokingly, “I mean how’d you know where I lived I’ve never given you my address before.”

“Oh...,” a sudden flash of realization crossed his face before he gave me a cheeky smile. “ I know a guy.” He said pushing past me walking into my apartment.

Ok that sounds creepy.

Wait! Did he say he knows a guy? Like a PI.

“Oh my gosh Harry your brilliant!” I screeched in a really high pitched voice - I tend to do that when I’m excited – as I ran over to him and tackled him in a bear hug.

“Uh… you’re welcome?” He said clueless. “What exactly have I done?”

“I can’t find Vanessa!” I exclaimed standing up. “She’s been hone since yesterday when she left for dinner or something. Maybe lunch I can’t really remember. And I feel so bad I mean I know I’m not responsible for her, because she’s her own independent person. But so many times she’s said things to me and I wasn’t exactly giving her my full attention. But when she goes out se usually tells me when she’ll be back. And it doesn’t really matter because she ALWAYS comes back! And what if she’s been kidnapped! Or someone drugged her, raped her, then left her dead in an alley. Or what if she committed suicide! I can’t! I just can’t what am I gonna do! She was my best friend Harry! My best friend!” I rambled on and on until I finally broke down in tears and was sobbing on the floor.

Suddenly I felt a pair of ridiculously muscular arms surround me. And I just couldn’t find the strength to move myself. So I was just there crying on the floor in Harry’s arms.

“We have to find her,” I said once I had collected myself. “Can we use your guy?”

“Of course,” Harry smiled, “I’d be happy to help.”

Zoe’s POV

I am soooooo excited!!!

Today I’m going on a date with Devon! After our he’d texted me earlier asking me out for a surprise date and I gladly accepted.

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