Like her, like here not

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----Adrien's POV----

Mid science we herd a car alarm so everybody dashed to the window looking over the street in front of the school.
We saw a masked woman. "The weather report today is veery stormy" she said as big heavy storm clouds rolled in above us. but it wasn't Stormy Weather, it was the news lady.

"Ok children everybody exit in a calm and orderly line and leave all your books hear." The teacher said.
I ran in an opesit derecshon to transform. (and Marinette).

•after battle•

"Pound it!" ladybug and I chimed. "Hey ladybug nice save"
"Thanks kitty",
"Hey ladybug, do you know mariner"
"N-no!, why would y-you think that" ladybug said nervously.
Ladybug looked so cute when she was nervous.
Oh no, I think I still have a crush on here. But Marinette...

"Hey ladybug, befour you go I have something I knead you to do"
"Of course Chat, what is it". I pulled out the small jar with the little acumatised butterfly. "That day you didn't show up stone heart came back and I caught his acuma"
"Ok kitty, I got this"

•After de-evelizing•

My maracoulus beeped so I said goodbye to ladybug and went home.

"Hey Plag, who do you think is better, marenette or ladybug",
"Well if you ask me its Mari. Think about it you came to like mari so fast and she obviously likes you back, but there's only one love for me, my sweet stinky camembert"

I just don't know any more!

I'm really bad with fight scenes so I just skipped all that sorry.

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