Telling the Boys

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Niall didn't really want to tell the boys at first because he didn't want to take any chances on your engagement getting out to the press. It took sometime but you finally convinced him to tell them. They were basically family after all.

"Are you excited to tell the boys?" You asked as we got out of the car to go to the studio. "Kind of. I don't know if they can keep a secret like this." He said. "If it happens, it happens. We'll have to tell them eventually." You sighed.

You guys got into the studio and went to their break-type room. All the boys were there already so you didn't have to wait. "Hey Y/N. Niall didn't tell us you were coming over today." Liam said. "Well that's because it was a last minute decision. We have news to tell you. We're engaged!" Niall said. Liam and Harry came to hug you while Zayn and Louis went to hug Niall and then they switched positions so we got them the other way around. "Now you have to promise us that this will not get out to the public yet." Niall said seriously. A chorus of 'okays' were said throughout the boys.

Harry wanted to tell the boys right away about the engagement but you wanted to wait until after you told your families. So that's what you did. You and Harry were hosting a dinner party tonight for the boys and their girlfriends to announce the engagement.

At dinner, you and Harry stood up to make the announcement. "So as you know, Y/N and I have been dating for a while. Well we aren't anymore," Harry stopped. Everybody looked shocked but didn't say anything. "That's because we're engaged. We're getting married!" You cheered. The boys jumped up and tackled you two into a hug while Cheryl and Danielle congratulated you guys.

After that you 3 girls talked about the wedding while the boys joked around with Harry. All in all, it was pretty successful.

One day the boys were over at yours and Louis' house watching the game when a question was asked about the wedding. You totally forgot that the boys didn't know yet.

"Wedding? What do you mean," Niall asked. "Well we were going to tell you at Liam's dinner party tomorrow but I guess we'll tell you now. Y/N and I are getting married!" Louis said looking up at you as you stood in the door frame. He was casual about this but in the inside you knew he was just as excited about it as you were. "Well I didn't expect that from you two yet but congratulations." Zayn said patting Louis' shoulder.

You thought after that they forgot about the game that was currently on because, for a while after the boys and you just talked about the wedding. The topic of having little Tommo's also car up somehow. They are so immature sometimes but you love them.

The boys already knew about the engagement so there wasn't much you had to tell them. Liam had told them before you left for Italy that he was going to propose.

Them knowing definitely didn't stop you or Liam from talking about it though. You both were so happy. By the end of the week the boys basically knew every detail you and Liam knew about the wedding.

Zayn wanted to keep it a secret for a little while longer but you just couldn't wait. One day you basically begged Zayn to tell the boys because you couldn't keep it in anymore. He finally gave in and so that day Zayn told the boys at the studio. When Zayn came home turns out the boys decided to pay you a visit as well.

"Y/N WE'RE HOME!!!!" You heard Louis scream from the door. "I'm in the kitchen" you called back.

Seconds later you were tackled into a hug by 4 boys you knew very well. When they released you Zayn came by and put an arm around your shoulder and whispering "Well I guess they are excited" in your ear. You giggled at how happy those 4 were.

Edited: March 9, 2017
(Also update 3/9/17) I have absolute no idea why this was so shit.

Oh wait it's because I wrote it, that's why

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