Leaving for the Honeymoon

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Niall: As you and Niall said your final good-byes to your guests, your excitement built up once again. You were about to go on your freaking honeymoon with the man you love.

Niall quickly took your hand and drug, a friendly drug, you to the car you'd be going to the airport in. At least he was as excited as you were.

"So Mrs. Horan, are you excited to start the first chapter of our lives together" he asked helping you in the car. "Very" you said looking up at him smiling.

The way to the airport was spent talking about the exciting things Niall wanted to do on your vacation, which was mainly trying the all the new foods. Of course...

Harry: To say Harry was "excited" for this trip was an understatement.

You guys had just barely got in the car when he became very handsy...

You kept shrugging him off because there was someone up front driving but that didn't stop him. "Harry you need to stop there is someone right there" you whispered in his ear, "save it for later" you said the last part smirking.

Did he listen? Of course not. That's when he snuck his hand surprisingly far up your dress and whispered, "why wait"

Luckily the driver had this thing where he could roll the window up and block you out cause Harry was relentless.

Louis: Louis was shit-faced when you got in the car to go to the airport. You were only slightly tipsy because you knew he would do this and you at least wanted someone to be responsible.

"Wee are gonna have soon much fun tooonight" Louis slurred slumping over on top of you. You just rolled your eyes at him and said"You aren't getting any until we get there and you sober up" while pushing him off of you.

That seemed to bring him to his senses because as soon as you said that his eyes perked open and he stopped slurring his words, "You wouldn't dare, not on our wedding night" he said pleading. "Oh we'll see Tomlinson" you said smirking.

Liam: Liam being the gentleman he is opened the door for you earning bunch of "aww's" to chorus from most of your female guests.

On the way there Liam would not stop complementing you. From things about your selections on the guests to how every hair on your head was in place. He was being so sweet.

"How did I get so lucky?" you said leaning your head on his shoulder. "I could ask the same thing" he said kissing your head.

The car ride was then spent in a comfortable silence but neither of you really cared. Being in each others presence was enough to make you both happy.

Zayn: Zayn and you were very tired from the partying, eating, and drinking you both had just done.

After a while of just sweet talk from the both of you you started to feel your eyes got heavy and couldn't help but fall asleep.

Just before you did fall asleep though you heard Zayn whisper "What did I do to deserve a girl as wonderful as her?" After that you fell asleep with a smile on your face.

Little did you know you meant everything to him. His world would end without and the same goes for him to you.

That was the beginning of the best thing in both of your's life.


Holly shit guys! That's the last chapter of the "One Direction Wedding Series"! I honestly can't believe I've accomplished something like this.

I know that barely anyone reads this story but it still means a lot to me and I can't thank the people that read this story enough. It means so much to me.

Now, are you guys excited for the "One Direction Pregnancy Series"?? Cause I know I am!

Love all of you, until my next book,

~Olivia a.k.a that Pessimistic piece of shit

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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