Telling the Family

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Niall and you were going to your dads house right now for your annual family cookout that he has every year. This year however, there will be a special announcement. Niall and you will be telling my family about the engagement because Niall just had to tell his family already.

When you guys got there, there were already so many people there. Aunt's, Uncle's, cousins, grandparents. Even some really close family friends. This is the perfect time to tell them.

After doing all the fun stuff it was time to eat. Luckily, nobody has noticed my ring yet so now is the perfect time.

"Could I have every bodies attention for a moment please?" You said nervously. You never liked speaking in public like this. Niall noticed because he held my hand tighter for a couple of seconds. "Niall and I have an announcement," You said looking over at Niall. "I asked Y/N to marry me!" Niall said casually. "And I said yes!" You cheered. After that we got many hugs and congratulations from every body. "I shouldn't have been so nervous," you thought to yourself.

Your parents already knew about the engagement so it was time to tell Harry's. You and Harry were going out for dinner with Anne, Robin, and Genma when you decided to share the news.

"It's been so long since we last saw you guys! Christmas, was it? Anything new between you guys" Anne said from across the table. You and Harry looked at each other which lead to him smirking. "Yeah actually," Harry trailed off for anticipation. "We're engaged!" You said. "It's about time you grew some and asked." Gemma said to her brother. That put the table into some laughter and then Anne and Robin gave you two hugs.

It turned out to be a pretty nice dinner. You and Anne talked about planning the wedding almost all of it while Robin, Gemma, and Harry continued their own conversations.

You and Louis are going over to Louis' parents house for a Sunday dinner with his parents and siblings. You wanted to tell them now but the thing is, Lottie already knew about it so you were hoping she hasn't told anybody yet.

When you got there you and Louis separated ways and went to talk to his family.

When you were talking to Jay she looked down at your hand that was holding my cup and squealed. "Oh my goodness, is that an engagement ring?" She said making the whole house go dead silent and look over at us. "Yep it actually is. I asked her about a week ago," Louis said coming over and wrapping an arm around me. His mom was the first to pull you two into a bone crushing hug followed by the rest of his family.

Now you just need to tell your family.

You and Liam invited your brother, his girlfriend, and their 3 year old daughter over to announce our engagement. You knew Liam asked your brother about marrying you but he didn't know when he would propose.

Once they got here, their daughter Kim(Idk it was the first name I thought of) ran straight for you. You could swear she is like a daughter to you. Your brother and his girlfriend are great parents but you loved her so much.

"What's this?" She said grabbing your finger that had my ring on it. "It's so pwetty," she squealed trying to take it off your finger. "No you can't have that Kim. Uncle Liam gave that to me," you said hoping her parents wouldn't hear. "Can he get me one?" She asked. "When you get older I know you will get one," you said. "I can't believe you haven't told us yet," *(Your Brothers Girlfriends Name-or just make a name up)* said staring at it. "We were going to tell you guys but..." You got interrupted by your brother saying, "So he asked you," with a smirk.

This is not how you wanted to tell them but oh well. At least they know now.

You and Zayn were planning to tell his family and your family together on Christmas Eve at your house. It was a good time to tell them because both of your families would be together at the same time. Your plan was to tell them by giving both your moms a picture of you and Zayn's hands interlocked with my ring clearly visible. Hopefully they'll get it.

Both of your families had gotten here and were opening up 1 Christmas gift each. It was luckily a tradition in both of your guys' families.

Everyone had opened up their 1 gift but now it was time to give them the pictures.

"We actually have 1 more thing for both our families." You said going behind the tree getting the to little gift bags. "But we already opened our gift." Waliyha said. "Well this gift is very special," you said giving them their gifts. "You aren't pregnant are you?" your mom said. "No mom not yet. Now open them." You said sitting back down on the floor next to Zayn. Both your moms slowly opened them up and just looked at the pictures and then you and Zayn. You thought Trisha caught on first because she started tearing up and came and hugged Zayn then you. While she was doing that your parents caught on and joined in on the hug. Safaa, Waliyha, and Doniya hugged you guys once your parents were done.

This was a truly special Christmas Eve.
Edited: March 6, 2017
(Also update on 3/6/17) Some chapters will jump around from your actual point of view to third person. When I first wrote this I wasn't as organized and if I were to try and fix it all I'd have to basically redo the whole thing. I hope you guys understand

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