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Niall: Thanks to the lovely world of Pinterest, you had so many ideas going through your mind about what you wanted the invitations to look like

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Niall: Thanks to the lovely world of Pinterest, you had so many ideas going through your mind about what you wanted the invitations to look like.

The only problem was, was that since there was some things to choose from, the decision was really hard. You also didn't want to make a desiccant without Niall but that's been really hard because he's been away on a business trip with the boys.

You had eventually narrowed it down to 2 designs and decided to just send them to Niall to make the final decision.

Due to the time zones you got the final decision from Niall at 5 in the morning.

When you woke up and saw the text you were so relieved he had chosen the one you were slightly leaning towards.

Only a few more preparations left now...

Harry: Harry was bugging you all week about getting the invitations. He said that Gemma could help out with the invitations to because she has started getting into art and design.

You thought about it and you thought it would be nice to have a family member make the invitations.

That night you had a Skype call with Gemma, and you and Harry told her you wanted a cream colored background with dark purple wording. As for the decorations on it, you wanted purple flower-ish designs with a purple bow around it.

A week later Gemma sent you them and they were beautiful. They were just how you and Harry wanted them.

Louis: Louis and you were just talking about the planning when he mentioned the invitations.

Remembering that you hadn't yet designed nor thought about the invitations, you made some arrangements and soon enough, you and Louis would be able to talk to a creator (don't know what the official name of a wedding invitation artist is even if that's a job) about the invitations.

What that meant was you had a week to come up with a design you knew you would love. It couldn't just be some idea because this was a wedding invitation. Not some thing you can just go and be like "ehh that's alright."

Louis had no problem with ideas for the invitations but you on the other hand, couldn't come up with anything.

Louis kept throwing out ideas and none of them sounded that great until he mentioned one in particular.

He said that the background could be white, the envelope could be mint green and then the wording could be lavender. As for decorations he suggested a lavender plant design.

You actually loved it and so that was the design you took to the artist.

The artist showed you what it would look like on a computer and you and Louis loved it. That was your invitation.

Liam: You and Liam wanted an old time-ish theme to your invitations.

You wanted the background to be black and the wording to be white which, you both agreed on. Liam thought it would be a good idea to put the writing in cursive and for decorations a white border.

You loved it but Liam was a little iffy.

When you took it to the artist to sketch it out however, Liam realized how much he loved it. You were so happy because you had loved since you started talking about it but you knew if he didn't love it, you obviously wouldn't get it.

By the end of the week you got the invitations and so then it was time to ship them out.

Zayn: Zayn being the creative guy he is, insisted that he design the invitations. Of course, he got your opinion on what you wanted but you left the designs up to him.

The only thing you knew was that the background would be white, the border would be orange, and the envelope would be light blue. The rest would be a complete surprise.

You honestly weren't nervous though. You trusted Zayn with your life so why couldn't you trust him with a simple invitation?

After about a week of anticipation to see what it would look like, he finally had it finished.

When he showed it you were actually surprised.

He went with an orange and light blue spiral design in the upper left corner. You didn't think Zayn would do something as feminine as that.

To say the least, you were so thankful for that. You both loved it.

To give an extra little thank you, you gave him something that night...

Okay so I would have updated yesterday but I'm currently at volleyball training so I've been really tired lately. It started on Wednesday but luckily it ends on Saturday. I might not update tomorrow either because I have the volleyball thing but after that I'm going to a cookout with my friend. I'll try to update another one tonight but if not I'll try my hardest to update on Saturday. As for this actual chapter, I tried my hardest to stick with the actual wedding colors for the invitations but they might be a little off if you can see the picture at the beginning.

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