His fav 1D song, lol.

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Ponyboy- Little Things

Ponyboy is probably the sweetest kid out of the gang, and he tries not to get into too much trouble. He wouldn't let you feel insecure about yourself, because you're perfect in his eyes!

Sodapop- Act My Age

Sodapop is the happy-go-lucky type of guy. Of course, he is becoming older but it doesn't stop him from having fun and acting like a careless, yet fun teenager!

Darry- Change Your Ticket

Darry may have grown to become really close to someone the point where he always want and needs that person by his side when his brothers aren't there. He's also afraid they might leave him feeling empty, the same feeling he felt after his parents died.

Dally- Steal My Girl

Dally may be protective of you when guys try and talk to you, but he loves to brag about the fact that every guy wants to be with you, and he's the lucky guy you chose! But it also give a message to those guys: Yes, I know my lady is attractive, but she's mine so ya gotta take a few steps back!

Johnny- Over Again

Johnny feels he may make a lot of mistakes, and that he screws things up. Although in your eyes- it's not true! But, this song sends a message to him- there's always a chance to restart somehow.

Two-Bit- Best Song Ever

Two-Bit is all about having a good time with friends, and even just himself sometimes! This song puts him in a happy mood, it makes him want to dance and mess around doing fun things on a weekend!

Steve- Up All Night

Steve is like Two-Bit, he loves to have a good time! This song is more of the friendship him and Sodapop have developed. They have the same taste when it comes to doing something fun- which is exactly why they were meant to be best friends!

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Hey, hope you enjoyed??

I didn't add this into the title since I just thought of it as I wrote this, but I will probably add in some little Q&A's for the gang- just leave some questions in the comments! Otherwise, I'll make up some on my own, lol.

Also make requests for imagines and preferences. If you want an imagine, fill out this little form(?) in the comments.

Your name:
Greaser or soc:
Who do you want the imagine to mainly be about? (Besides yourself, of course. lol):
What is the relationship with you and your other main character? (i.e. brother, enemy, boyfriend, etc.):
Any relations? (i.e. curtis sister, younger cousin of steve, etc. lol):
*Optional* Is there a story line you'd like me to go off of to create this imagine?:

And if you're still confused, I'll fill out an example, lol.

Your name: Hannah
Age: 17
Greaser or soc: Greaser
Who do you want the imagine to mainly be about? (Besides yourself, of course. lol): Sodapop Curtis
What is the relationship with you and your other main character? (i.e. brother, enemy, boyfriend, etc.): Childhood crush, but currently just really good friends.
Any relations? (i.e. curtis sister, younger cousin of steve, etc. lol): Dally's younger sister.
*Optional* Is there a story line you'd like me to go off of to create this imagine?: Yes- After Hannah comes back from Utah, she decides to return to her home town of Tulsa, Oklahoma. A bizarre event happens, afterwards Sodapop and Hannah coincidentally meet again after 2 years. Hannah still has a crush on Soda, but he never had the mutual feelings until they decided to go out to dinner after running into each other. That's when Sodapop realizes how perfect Hannah is for him.

^^ That's my example. Okay, adios now.

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