One - Caller 48

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"Please stay on hold while we transfer your call." Says the electronic voice over the phone. I wish it will hurry up. I'm trying to win passes to go see the maze runner as its filming. I've been in love with the maze runner series the moment the first book came out and I've never stopped loving it. I'm super excited that it's now becoming a movie but I'm not excited for all the 'movie greenies' that will be joining the fandom. I mean like seriously, read the book!

Anyways, if I'm the 48th caller I win --not only 2 all-access passes-- but I also get to hang out with the cast of the movie the whole time and I get some merchandise from the franchise before it's released to the public! The mere thought gives me chills.

"Hello what's your name?" Says a voice on my phone and I hear it echo on the radio station. This is it. The moment I've been waiting for. My heart starts to beat faster and louder making me wonder if they can hear it on the other line.

"Umm, Emma Starling?" I say nervously, chewing on my lower lip.

"You sure? Don't don't sound too sure." Says the male talk show host. I can practically hear his grin through the phone.

"Yes I'm sure. Am I the 48th caller?" I say, getting to the point as quickly as I can, unable to bare the anticipation any longer.

"No I'm sorry you're the 47th." The man says and my heart plummets to my stomach. I really thought I had it. I got that feeling. You know the feeling you get before you win something where you just can already taste the victory even though it's yet to come.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks anyway..." I say, trying to hide my immense disappointment.

I'm about to hang up when he quickly says, "I'm just kidding! Congrats! You won!"

I scream as loud as I can, gaining looks from other drivers around me who are also stopped at the red light. "NO! YOURE KIDDING!!!"

"I'm not! I take it you're a big fan of the books? Or maybe Dylan O'Brien perhaps." He says suggestively.

"Don't get me started! Thank you so much!" I say, not wanting to completely lose my dignity on the radio. Or at least, keep what I have left of it. If I get started on one of my rants, they won't be able to stop me.

The radio station goes to commercials and the man asks for my information so I can receive the stuff I've won. I give them all the information, hardly able to breathe from excitement. I can't believe it. I won. I actually won. This is insane.

I was in such a dazed state that I almost got lost on my way home, missing my turn twice and driving past my condo building. Finally, I got home. About 15 minutes later than usual.

I unlock the door of the condo that I share with my best friend and the smell of chicken nuggets wafts over to me. Of course, Julie's favourite. Every time I get home there's always some sort of food smell present, but the most common are chicken nuggets.

"Julie you're home!" I shout and run into the kitchen where I knew Julie would be cooking.

"Yeah... Why are you acting crazy?" She says nervously, knowing that my mental "fangirl" breakdowns can lead to bad things. "Not that you're not normally crazy-because you are-but why are you being so extra crazy?"

"I WON TWO PASSES TO THE MAZE RUNNER SET AND HANG OUT WITH THE CAST AND SOME MERCHANDISE FROM THE MOVIE!!!" I scream, unable to contain the explosions going on inside my body for another second.

"Wait... That was you?" She asks stifling a laugh. "I was sitting here thinking what crazy lunatic won those passes but now it all makes sense considering it was you." She rolls her eyes at me. I honestly don't know how Julie does it. She's been putting up with my crazy outbursts for years now and not once has something went wrong. Well actually... There was that time I broke her closet when I was looking for Narnia, but we don't talk about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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