Chapter 8: Rey

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The steady pulse of a heartbeat coming from the machine is comforting, but what the doctor says is not. Finn lies peacefully on a stretcher, his fate still undetermined. Until now.

"I'm not sure what is going to happen to him," the doctor says. "He might not survive."

I do not respond to this. Finn can't die! He just can't! What would I do? I cannot help it. My emotions finally overtake my common sense, and tears flow down my face. I may be tough, but the notion of Finn gone is too much to bear. My face feels hot until I feel a soft pat on my back.

"Hey, I can help you." Bucky says. I dry my tears as he simply reaches over and touches Finn on his chest. He zaps him, and a tense second passes where nothing happens. Then, Finn groans and opens his eyes. He locks eyes with me.

"Rey?" He asks tentatively. I begin crying once again, only this time of happiness and joy.

"Finn!" I exclaim, and quickly envelop him in a huge bear hug. He makes no noise, until he alerts me to one of his needs.

"Uh, Rey? Could you lighten up? I can't breathe." He wheezes.

I awkwardly let go of him, my tears still stinging on my face. I then turn around to Bucky, who is giving Steve a fist bump.

"Dude. Today I met Rey, killed Stormtroopers, and saved Finn's life. Can you say BEST DAY EVER?!?" Bucky exclaims.

"Um, besides the fact that I really had to pee like half of the time, definitely." Steve responds.

I laugh at this and give Bucky a huge hug. "Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?" I ask.

"Would a lightsaber be too much to ask for? I've always wanted a real one!"

I'm puzzled at this notion. "Wait... There are fake lightsabers?"

"Uh, duh. Have you ever gone to Target? Oh wait, never mind."

"I've never gone to a target. I've shot at one, though." I reply, still puzzled.

"Never mind. But about that lightsaber?" Bucky asks once again.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, consider it done. What color?" I question.

"BLUE. Like Steve's suit!" Bucky exclaims. I sigh and roll up my sleeves. I quickly grab all of the materials and assemble the saber in roughly five minutes.

"Here you go. Just promise me not to-" but before I finish, Bucky has already ignited it and started slashing apart the room.

"PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW, RANDOM LIGHTSABER NOISES!!" Bucky screams. He manages to completely destroy almost all of the medical room in about two and a half seconds. I use the Force to rip the lightsaber out of his hands.

"-Destroy the whole base. Okay, you can slice all you want back on "Earth", but here, you cannot use a lightsaber." I instruct Bucky.

"Whoa, Rey! Since when can you use the Force??!?" Finn exclaims.

"Man, you've been out for a while." Bucky says. "Rey totally demolished that weak sithling."

"I've always loved strong women!" Finn replies, but then looks awkward. "Not that I meant, like, you in particular. General statement." He then blushes and looks at the ground. I turn towards Bucky and Steve. They give me a thumbs up.

"See ya, Rey! We're off to Earth! Hey, how about you drop by tomorrow? We can show you Star Wars: The Force Awakens!" Bucky exclaims.

"Ah, the flat hologram thing. Yes, I'll stop by. Is Finn invited?" I ask.

"Of course!" Steve winks at me. "We'll go now. You two need some alone time."

Finn and I say our goodbyes to Bucky and Steve, but we know that this isn't the end. They head back through the portal. When I turn around to face Finn, he clears his throat awkwardly.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" He asks timidly. "We don't have to hold hands, since you don't like that..."

I smile and take his hand. "I think we can make an exception." When Finn and I begin to walk, I know this isn't the end. It's only the beginning.

Bucky Makes Things Go Boom, and Rey Fixes EverythingWhere stories live. Discover now