Chapter 10: Rey

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After watching myself kick Kylo Ren's butt, I was quite pleased. However, watching myself kiss Finn was just awkward. However, he seemed pretty cool with it, thank goodness. As we return to the Resistance base, we are quickly greeted by General Leia Organa, sister of Luke Skywalker. She pulls me to the side and looks directly at me with her warm brown eyes.

"You and Finn are going to go somewhere together. You have my permission to go anywhere in the Galaxy." The General demands.

"Why?" I ask. She merely smiles at me, making her eyes seem one thousand times brighter.

"If there are any two people that love each other more than you two, I'm a Tauntaun."

I blush at this. "I'm not one for romance!" I protest. "I don't need Finn!"

"Ah, you might not need him, but he certainly needs you." She smiled once again. "Go. Have fun. You aren't allowed to return until Finn knows you love him." She commands me.

I want to protest, but I know it won't go anywhere. I nod. She gives me a hug and sends me to Finn. I walk towards the Millennium Falcon, gesturing to Finn to come with me.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"How does Naboo sound?" I ask him.

Finn smiles. "Sure!"


The lush green plants and warm sun still fascinate me. Birds are chirping in the distance, calling for their loved ones. The flowers sway softly and delicately in the breeze. Finn and I lay on a blanket in a meadow, next to a blue lake. It's paradise, compared to the desolate rock I lived on for basically my whole life.

"So, do you remember what it was like in hibernation?" I ask.

"Dark. And cold. I remember almost slipping away, not able to hang on, but then..." He doesn't continue the story.

"And then what?" I press.

"You wouldn't believe it," he says. "But right when I was going to fall, I was jolted back with warmth spreading across my body, and your voice saying "We'll see each other again. I believe that. Thank you, my friend." I think I was going crazy. I slowly pulled myself back, and awoke to you."

I don't know what to say to this, and the conversation continues. I thought it was pretty in the day, but night has fallen. Thousands of tiny sparkles dot the black ribbon of the sky, like light kissing an inky black fabric. It's so beautiful. I was never able to see stars on Jakku. Finn is just as fascinated, having grown up on Starkiller Base.

"It's the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Finn breathes.

"What's the most beautiful?" I ask softly.

"You." He says, blushing and turning beet red.

I am aghast. On Jakku, being asked if you were alright was insanely unlikely. Being called beautiful? Not a chance. I've never been called pretty even once in my life. I tear up and smile real wide. "I'm touched, Finn. That's so nice of you to say." I said, in between sniffles. "I've never been called beautiful before."

"Not even once? Why not? Your eyes are brown and warm, unlike anything I've ever seen. You keep your hair messy, not caring about looks, but you look amazing without trying. You smile and the whole world stops..." Finn trails off and looks down, embarrassed.

I can't say anything. I just lean over and give him a hug. "Why are you so nice to me? I'm just a scavenger."

He looks down timidly and breathes heavily. "I love you."

I instinctively start to lean towards him, and him me. I smile, and say something that would have made Han Solo proud. "I know." I cannot lean forward any further. Within one second, my brain short-circuits. My entire body relaxes slightly. If the galaxy is ending, I won't know. The only thing that exists is Finn. All of the waiting and pain of him in hibernation was worth it. We finally pull apart after a moment of sheer bliss. My lips still tingle from remembrance. "Thank the fates for Bucky. I don't know what I would have done if you died." I whisper softly.

"You would go on."


"You're a survivor, Rey. You would keep going. You had a horrible life on Jakku. You never complained. You just kept living and going forward, patiently waiting for your family to come back. I could not have done that."

"But you had the guts to come and rescue me from the place that was searching to find and kill you!" I exclaim.

"It had nothing to do with guts and everything to do with love." He states matter-of-factly.

I sigh. "Shut up. You're brave. No more arguing, okay?"

He nods in agreement and snuggles up close to me. "We should go back eventually." He says.

I lean forward and kiss him once more. "Not yet. This story isn't done."

"When will it be?"

I smile and look to the stars. I point to the heavens. "When I'm with them." As the stars fade and sunrise comes, I stay close to Finn. Because if I'm with him, nothing bad can ever happen. Dawn has broken and Finn must be tired; I have to carry him back to the ship. He leans in close to me in his slumber. When I lay him down on the stretcher, he looks just like when he was in hibernation. Only this time, he is smiling wide. As I guide the Millennium Falcon away from Naboo, I realize that Maz Kanata was right. The belonging I sought was not behind me. It certainly was ahead.

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