Chapter 9: Bucky

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    "No, no, no. That's not how you do it." I rip the controller out of Steve's hands. "See, you need to block me. I've been killing you nonstop."

Steve rolls his eyes and takes the controller back. "I think I can handle it. Tomorrow. I'm getting bored."

"Ha, you're just a sore loser. Because I beat you at swordplay every time."

"Shut up," Steve says, getting up. "I'm way better than you at that frisbee one."

"That's because you have a shield, Steve. I don't."

"Yeah, well you have a lightsaber. That evens things out a bit."

I roll my eyes. "Fine. It is pretty cool."

"You destroyed the couch." Steve glares at me, but I can see he's trying not to laugh.

"Well, it was kind of ugly anyways. Plus, it's good practice for swordplay."

"You've had it for one day," Steve complains, and I grin. After we got back yesterday, S.H.I.E.L.D was freaking out, running all over the place. They'd thought we'd died or something. So naturally, we had to explain everything. They didn't believe us at first, but then I pulled out my lightsaber and I think that worked.

I glance around our apartment again. Rey told us she'd come over today. We let S.H.I.E.L.D know, so they should direct her over here. They left the portal open for that reason.

"Where is she?" I wonder aloud.

"Right behind you," a voice answers, and I turn around to see Rey standing in the doorway. Finn stands next to her. They both look around curiously. I grin at them, motioning for them to sit down.

"So," Rey says, sitting down on the couch next to the one Steve and I are sitting on, "Are you going to show us your flat hologram?"

Steve laughs. "Sure, if you want." He gets up and puts in the movie, the sits back down next to me. I grin over at Rey and Finn.


While the movie runs, I lean up against Steve. He glances down at me and smiles. "It's been a weird couple of days, hasn't it," he murmurs quietly.

"To say the least," I reply. "Been a pretty cool couple of days."

"Mmm." Steve reaches across me and grabs my hand, pulling it over so he can hold it better. He doesn't like holding my left hand. He will, if he has to, if if I'm doing something with my right hand, but he likes my other hand better. So do I. "You need a shower," he mumbles into my sleeve.

"So do you," I laugh.

"Shut up and watch the movie."

"I've seen it enough times," I reply, and lean further into Steve.

Rey and Finn leave around three hours later, after a few goodbyes. We know that they can come back later, because S.H.I.E.L.D kept the portal open, but it's still kind of sad to see them go.

I kept looking over at the two of them while we were watching the movie, and it's very apparent that they both like each other. I totally ship Reyinn.

Steve and I continue to sit on the couch, being the lazy bums that we are. To be fair, we fight aliens and kill stormtroopers, so I'm thinking we kind of deserve it.

"I'm so tired..." I mumble, squishing my head into the couch cushions. "Star Wars is tiring. They should make a movie out of us."

"They already did, stupid. We watched them."

I yawn. "Well yeah, I meant with Rey and Finn. That would be a pretty boss movie, wouldn't you say?"

"It would."

"Yeah, and then they could prove that Reyinn is totally a thing. They need to date. I mean, I get that Rey doesn't want or need a man, but like, Finn does. And come on, Poeinn??? That's idiotic."

Steve studies me carefully, and I frown at him. That's the face he makes when he's trying to figure something out. Or when he's indecisive.

"That's a serious face," I say carefully. "What's up?"

Steve doesn't answer at first. Instead, he keeps looking at me. "Do you love me, Bucky?" He asks abruptly. I frown.

"'Course I do, Steve. What kind of question is that?"

"No, I mean romantically in love."

I freeze. That was unexpected. Admittedly, I've got to think about this. I guess I kind of knew this would come up one day. I take a deep breath. "You're like a brother to me, Steve. But I don't love you like that."

To my surprise, a look of relief flashes across Steve's face, and he scoots closer to me. "There's nobody I'd rather be with than you, Bucky. But I have to agree with you. I don't love you in that way."

I smile. "Glad we got that sorted out. And don't worry, I'd never leave you. I mean, we had a bit of an issue for like seventy years. We gotta make up for that."

Steve laughs. "We took a seventy year break."

"That's too long. We should get our relationship back on track." I grin at Steve. "Bet nobody ever broke up for seventy years and then got back together."

"Nah. That's gotta be a world record or something."

"I think we've set a lot of world records. Longest frisbee throw, longest time underwater, etcetera."

"Yeah, and you can catch things really easily, like my shield- which, by the way, is scientifically 'impossible.' But apparently not."

I roll my eyes. "You're way cooler than me," I say through a yawn.

"You have a lightsaber and a metal arm. You're practically Luke Skywalker at this point," Steve points out.

"I just need to learn how to use the Force, I guess." My eyes start to drift shut. "That would... Be cool....."

I wake up with a start, jerking slightly. Glancing to my right, I see Steve sleeping. He must've moved me to the bed last night. I smile. That was nice of him. I groggily maneuver onto my side, and Steve stirs, opening his eyes.

"'Morning," he yawns. "Sleep okay?"

"For once, yeah," I reply. "You?"

Steve smiles a little. "First night without a nightmare in a long time. So, good."

"We're both getting better, then?"

"Sounds like it." Steve stretches, sitting up.

"You leaving already?" I ask. "There's no reason to get up. I've had enough adventure for about ten years."

"That's not good, what about missions?" Steve laughs, and settles back down. "But that's true. No way am I getting up."

"Me either," I reply, moving closer. "If the whole world was ending, this is where I'd want to be."

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