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Life isn't always as peachy as it seems.

One moment you're assassinating someone and the next you're charged and sentenced a slow, miserable death.

I never could wrap the concept around my brain.

Well, actually, that's a lie. I knew that if you were caught, you would suffer major consequences, but never had I once thought that it would happen to me. I have been trained to stay in the shadows and not get caught.

Well, apparently, not enough.

As you could imagine, it was quite the shock when they found me minding my own business. I had just got done killing some person that I was assigned to, and I was lurking back through the woods when suddenly, I was surrounded by fire. Everything after that was a blur. Though, I do remember getting shot in the leg by an arrow . . . other than that nothing really sticks out to me as exciting.

I was sentenced to live the rest of my life out in a terrible death camp. I was suppose to die there, they said to me. But one thing they didn't know, was that I was an assassin with immense training and there would be no taking me down.

I might as well be immortal. Last time I checked, I was still alive, so who knows, I actually might be immortal. You never know.

Well, unless I die. But that will never happen, so no need to worry and fret.

But over the last few months in the death camp, I've starting to question my immortality. The days all blur together and the food still tastes the same bland flavor. I just might die from such consistent mundane things.

But one thing was for sure, I was going to survive. 

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