I have too much fun now with chapter titles.....
This one is another rant about the app. I actually think this one will be agreed on by pretty much every user of the Wattpad App.
Who else wants the app to actually notify you? Like it plays your notification tone and a pop up at the top of the screen appears saying you have a vote, comment, or message.
And something else for it: An option to turn off the notifications. For those who get too much traffic.
I'm tired of not getting to people quickly enough because I have no idea when they reply to my message. I don't stay on here all day because I usually don't get much traffic.
I also don't like missing a comment. I love replying to people. Except spammers. That shall be a rant for tomorrow.

Wattpad Rants
Non-FictionThis is my book of Wattpad Rants. Lots of rage will be included over things with my opinion on things.