Over Capacity

924 30 11

Lately, it seems like every time that I am prepared to publish a new chapter, Wattpad decides to crash and pull up a screen saying that the site is over capacity. Now, I know that's normally a good thing. It means the site is popular. But when it happens constantly as of recently, the site has a problem. 

Such as maybe trying to fix it to where more people can be on at once. I'm not sure how that works myself but I'm hoping Wattpad figures something out so that I don't have freak out about my work not being saved when I don't type it up on another program before hand.  

Being as I can't really do much about it except wait and continuously refresh till it comes back on, I'll just put my thought here. 

And, on another note, there's a lot that Wattpad could stand to fix. Thus ends my first Rant.

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