I can't even begin to explain how upset I am. Her work was stolen and she is now currently offline. I was really looking forward to reading her work.
Seriously! It isn't cool to steal another person's work and claim it as your own. You get not satisfaction and no one thinks you're cool.
Thieves don't get off. They get taken down by the law. Court cases, fines, deleted accounts, etc.
I have dealt with many a thief over the years and it always saddens me when the original artist or writer forever stops making their wonderful work.
Stealing their work is like stealing part of their soul. They worked hard on it and you snatched it from them like an asshole. hrhamilton didn't deserve this. No one does. It's a passion that no one deserves to lose.
I know personally how hard it is to have work stolen from you. To have the inspiration killed by some fuck who thinks it's funny and better for them to steal someone else's work instead of making their own.
Thieves, it takes practice to be good at what you do. Don't steal someone's work because that doesn't help you get better at writing, art, or whatever other craft you're stealing.
People like hrhamilton have worked hard on their works. You should work hard to better yourself at writing, art, etc. Yeah, it can take years. No one is fantastic instantly.
Please, readers, report any stolen work you find.

Wattpad Rants
Non-FictionThis is my book of Wattpad Rants. Lots of rage will be included over things with my opinion on things.