Kobayashi Maru

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"Hebel!" The instructor called. I stepped out of the line of cadets and started advancing towards the door leading into the simulation room. This was it. This determined if I could survive as a crew member on one of the space ships. This determined if I qualified for working beside Pike. This determined if I get assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise.

I stopped abruptly in front of the door, taking a deep breath.

"Ms. Hebel, you may enter." The instructor said. I nervously nodded and pressed the red button on the right of the door, causing it to slide open. I proceeded forward through the door and into darkness. When the doors closed, the room lightened, revealing the setting of a ship's bridge. Before I could relax, red lights started blinking and an alarm blared through the speakers. I snapped my neck towards the large window in the front to see a swarm of ships heading toward me. Enemy ships.

I ran towards the joy stick that controlled the weapons of the ship and got to work. I started destroying each of the enemys' ships as they fired weapons at me, picking them off one by one. I couldn't stop all the shots, but I did the best I could. By the end, the shields had lost only 12 percent, and all the enemy ships were destroyed.

I sat back in my chair, sighing with relief. This test was supposed to be the hardest exam they gave students, and I finished it without failing. I looked around to see a door open with a green light above it. I quickly ran through it, hoping it wouldn't close.

The next simulation looked like I was on another planet. I looked around the barren surface to find a disassembled phaser gun and photon gun. As I knelt down to assemble, I heard a roar of war calls. I glanced back to see ten or so aliens running towards me, guns in their hands. My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. I urgently put together the guns, naming the different parts in the process. Finishing up, I put both of the newly assembled guns in my utility belt that the instructor supplied every test taker. I looked up to see the aliens less than half a mile away from me. I swore under my breath as i rested one of my hands on my phaser gun, switching it from kill to stun.

When the first shot came at me, I was already prepared. I dodged it and shot at one of the aliens, knocking them unconscious. From that moment on, all of them attacked me, and from that moment on, I kicked some ass. I dodged every shot and stunned at least 5 aliens before my phaser died. While I was taking out my photon gun, an alien shot my hand, causing me to yelp in pain. I glared at the alien and realized that all of the aliens' guns ran out of amo.

"If you wanna play---" I took off my utility belt and dropped it to the ground, staring at the aliens as they surrounded me. "Let's play." I said and a smirk grew on my face. One of the aliens were the first to attack. I caught his arm, while he attempted to punch me, and twisted it behind his back. I pulled causing it to break. I quickly kneed him in the face knocking him out as another alien grabbed me from the back. As a reflex, I head butted him, sending him stumbling back into another alien. I chuckled and turned around to see a fist coming at my face. I hurriedly ducked and looked up, seeing that my attacker missed me and punched another alien, knocking it out. As another one approached me, I ran towards it and jumped, wrapping my legs around it's neck. I flipped causing it to flip with me. When I landed on the ground, I managed to thump it's head hard on the ground, knocking it out.

"Okay." I mumbled as I got up from the ground. "Three down, two more to go." One of the aliens charged at me. He threw a punch that hit me hard against the jaw. I groaned and touched my lip, seeing blood on my fingers.

I glared at the alien. "You're dead." I punched him in the gut and again in the eye. He fell back as the other one stepped up. He tried punching me, but I caught it. I smirked and twisted it as fast as I could until I heard a crack. The alien squealed and side kicked my feet, knocking me down to the ground. Before he could do anything else, I side kicked his feet and watched him fall. I quickly wrapped my legs around his neck and squeezed, cutting off his air supply. After ten seconds, he was out cold. I unwrapped my legs from his neck and stood up, dusting the dirt off of my leggings. As I was about to attempt to get the dirt out of my hair, I heard growling. I slowly turned around to see the last alien, sneering at me, clenching his fist.

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