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We had biology, math english and music in the firts period, it was lunch time now and i was freaking out infront of the cafeteria.

I had manage to avoide everyones stares with the help of Danny, he would sneak me in before class started so when people got to clas I would be sittind down and my desk would hide my belly and we would wait for the class to finish and people to leave before I even stood up.

BUT our whole plan was failing and I was to hungry to wait longer in front of this doors, we talked about me waiting outside while he got me food but after some talking and some thinking I knew I had to go inside and faced my demonds. Each step closer made me colder and scared, I was starting to feel sick by the minute, no, second.

I was now standing in front of the whole cafeteria and as I spected everybody whent silent when they saw me, althought it was over very quick and the gasp and chit chat began...I really dont know what to do.

I began to look for Danny when I
realized he wasnt next to me any more, he wasnt here? HE WASNT HERE?!

I started to walk closer to a near empty table when a group of jocks started to aproch me, oh God, as I looked closer I saw Danny and some guy holdin hands...wait what?!

But I thought, I mean...I was sure...WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?

I looked at the couple infront of me with my mouth hanging open no longer bother by the people around me, the dude that was talking to Danny stopped and looked at me while laughing and motion me to come over, I did as I was asked and sat infront of them, they just looked at me like I had grown a pair of horns or something.

The guy I assumed was Danny's boyfriend started laughing frantically out of nowhere, what a weird dude, then started at me for a while before calming down his fit of laughter.

"Let me guess, you thought Danny was straight because he helped you, and flirted with you and gave you nick names like love or honey?" Shocked by the question I just nodded and waited for him to calm down again "honey thats just who he is, sorry to break this to you but we've been dating for 5 years and I can assure he is not straight nor bi...sorry"

I just nodded and walked away, whats was I supposed to do anyway? I really thought maybe he and I could have a thing or something, I dont know, this is so weird, I mean I am not a homophone but is just why him? He was just sooo perfect ....

Occupied by my thoughts I wasnt able to hear when a group of people started yelling at me to duck or move out of the way and before I knew it some tall muscular guy pushed me hard to the ground but caught me just in time, he did that so the football ball was able to go on top of us while he squaded with me in his arms...

REMEMBER when I said Danny was hot, I mean perfect? BOY was I wrong, this guy was something else.

He was a greek god, no joking. High cheekbone, hazel color hair with a hint of blond, dimple smile, perly white theeth, big grey eye, stuble chin, red plump lips, muscular body (REALLY muscular), tall, he had a piercing in his right ear at the top and had tribe tattoo on his left arm, he was just so perfect wearing black fitted jeans, combat boots, white v neck t-shirt the clung to his body and a black lether jacket....

I knew just by looking at him, he was going to be your tipical bad boy of the school, but then again I thought that Danny was straight so....who knows.

My thoughts were interupted by a hand waving in front of my face, embarrassed, I looked at the guy that had saved me from a terrible accident and couldnt stopt the smile that was creeping on my face, he helped my stand up and I thanked him with a nod of the head and walked away to the cafeteria line.

I was almost there when Gabriela stopped me dead in my track to ask me about my day, I told her everything even finding Danny was gay which she laughed about due to the fact that she thought I already knew that, is it that obvious? Then I talked about mistery hero guy and she just laughed again and walked of.

When I got to the lunch line the lady serving the food smiled brightly at me and gave me a little extra for my baby which I was truely thank full. I walked back to the empty table and started to enjoy my alone meal when I felt a pair of hands in my eyes blocking my sight.

I knew I recognized those hands somewhere I just couldnt pin point it, they were so familiar yet so stranged...

I waited for the person to talked and was shocked when I heard his voice "hey Gin, missed me baby?" I turned around and scream in joy not really bother by the stares I was getting. Apparently I screamed to loud beacause everything whent dead silent but I was honestly to happy to care.

"Zakela? What the hell are you doing here? I was damn sure I left you in Amsterdam las week..." I waited for a replied but he just hugged me tight.

I couldnt believe this, my best friend, my soulmate, my brother, my hero, my everything was here with me.

I met him 6 years ago in one of my fathers "mission", he is also a son of a mafia boss, so in a meeting my dad and his dad had, we were forced to go and thats how we met, we've been inseperable since then until las week when we were forced to move, most of the time Zakela moves with me but for some reason he wasnt able to do it this time but here he is now, I just cant believe it.

He let go of me when a tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality, I turned around and saw Danny and his boyfriend looking at me shocked and....afraid?

"Danny whats wrong?" I looked at him and he just pointed at Zakela, "oh this is my best friend Zake- I mean Jaden, but you can call him Jade, he doesnt mind" the both just nodded and sat nex to me still looking afraid...why?

We were making small talk when out of nowhere some bitch storms to my table and pulls me up by the hair yelling at me "how dare you touch my boyfriend you stupid slut, dont touch him or I swear you will regret it" as she was about to hit me Zakela grabbed her hand, twisted it behinf her back and pointed a gun to her head.

"Now listen here bitch, you dont look or touch Ginebra, not even talk or think about her or I will blow your fucking brains of, understood?" He spoke with so much venom in his voice it was hard to picture him as the friend I would play barbies with.

Realization hit me, he was dressed in black pants with multiple gun belts or whatever you call those things that you wrap around your leg and store your gun, a dark blue v neck shirt and combat boots with a dog tag similar to mine. We were given those by our parents in our 6 birthday so if anything happened to them the directions to a safe places were we would have to go were engraved on them.

I walked to Zakela and kissed his cheek and threw the girl to the ground and she ran like Satan was behind her, kinda funny if you ask me.

I guess seen Zakela react like that was normal to me but apparently no to the people around us ....fuck

We sat down in our chairs and looked at the people of my table, the company had gotten larger when Gabriela, Dannys brother and mistery hero had sat down aswell.

Zakela cleared his throat which made everyone except me look, I just eat my meat loaf.

"Hi, my name is Jayden and Im Gins personal body guard" as he finished his sentences my head snapped in his direction

Wait what?! Body guard?! Since when...why...what the fuck. I swear if this was my dads doing I'm going to to shave his hair while he sleeps.

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