Chapter 17

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I dived into bed and pulled the covers up and over my head, why couldn't I just admit my feelings for him?

My iPod beeped and I took it off the bedside table, it was a Facebook notification and for once I couldn't be bothered to get my laptop, I opened up the app and tapped the back as I waited for it load.

I had a message from Kyle, 'hey how are you?" it was sent earlier but it alerted me that he was still on the site, 'not so good you?' I typed back, 'I'm fine but whats happened?'

'Just stuff' I replied, after the other day in the car I felt quite awkward talking to him, 'uh oh, want to talk about it?' I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and pulled it away to reveal big mascara stains on the surface.

Should I share my troubles with him after all I only just met him, I should talk to Zara but like I said the other day, will they all just get tired of hearing me cry, and waiting for me to move on.

'That might help' I answer truthfully, after all that's what everyone says isn't it?

'Do you want to get a drink?' my better judgement kicked in and I was about to decline when a Callander date popped up; 'Remember to tell Grace about her doctors appointment!!!'

'I'd like that, but I can't drive there' I typed back, 'I'll pick you up, see you in a mo x' he disappeared from the chat room.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, I took out a few makeup wipes from the cupboard and wiped away the remains of tonight's date.

I brush my hair, scraping up the wet strands and tying them up in a ponytail, I licked my lips in remembrance of Cam on them just a few moments ago.

I heard a knock at the door, wow, Kyle was a lot faster than I thought he would be, I quickly made my way downstairs and put my boots back on, as I didn't have time to change my outfit.

I opened the door to reveal Kyle leaning up against the frame, he wore black jeans and a grey hoodie, he smiled at me and said, "hey."

"Hi" I say and follow him out to his car, I couldn't imagine any cafe's being open right now, but he had managed to find one because we were in the car park of 'sweet tea.'

We made our way inside quickly because snow was still falling and making the world around us extremely cold, we stood at the counter and ordered coffees, I didn't like the taste of it but it woke me up straight away.

Kyle payed and then joined me at a table, "so what's the matter?" he asked, I sighed and put my head in my hands, "I've ruined everything!" I moaned, "hey, don't say that, what happened?"

I didn't know whether I could trust Kyle with my love life but I was so miserable and broken that the words just rolled off my tongue.

"My best friend kissed me..." Kyle stared at me in disbelief and I just thought over how that sounded, "he's a boy!" I said to clear any confusion, he made an 'o' shape mouth and I continued, "I pulled away, and now he's really mad"

"Well do you like him?" he asked, nows the time, am I going to actually confess what I feel or try and cover it up like I always do?

"I... I..." I made a weird noise in the back of my throat, "I'll take that as a yes" my cheeks flushed and I looked at my coffee, I swirled my spoon around in the cup and made patterns in the froth.

"Why do you think you ruined everything?" I looked at him and bit my lip, "because I couldn't admit how I feel about him"

"If he truly likes you then he will listen to you and he will understand why you did what you did" he said confidently, would he? I had been dragging Cameron along for so long, maybe he will just give up on waiting for me to admit my true feelings.

"What?" he asked, "it's just that he might not this time" I say sadly, "me and him have been through so much together, he's forgiven me for loads of my stupid mistakes, and now that I've hurt him I don't think he'll take my apologies to heart this time."

Kyle moved his chair so that he was closer to me and put an arm around my shoulders, "well you've always got me" he said, smiling.

I smiled at him and said, "thank goodness, cause all of my friends have had enough of me" I mean how long would it take for them to realise that I'm not the greatest friend they could have.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, I was exhausted, it was the middle of the night after all, I closed my eyes for a moment and wished that I could turn back time, because that would be a miracle, I could tell mum and dad to stay at home that night, I could tell Grace to go and meet a guy and not worry about me, I could tell Cameron how I really feel about him without it ending in a fight, but one question remained, how did I feel about him?

"Alex?" he whispered into my ear, so badly did I want it to be Cam, "time to go" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times while they adjusted to the light, "you've been asleep for half an hour" he filled me in, I hadn't been asleep had I? No I was sure of it.

I took a sip of my coffee, it was still warm, actually it was still burn your tongue warm, slowly I placed it on the table and got up to stretch.

Kyle to got up and put his arm around my waist as I wobbled, "ugh... I don't feel very well" I didn't my head was hurting and I felt like I was going to throw up, "I know sweetheart" he laughed.

I tried to look at him but my head disobeyed orders and stayed lent against his shoulder, "come on" we were outside when he removed his arm from my shoulder and instead pulled me by the wrist, he looked around cautiously before yanking me forcefully behind him, we passed his car as he continued to pull at my arm.

"What... What are... Kyle stop!" I slurred, he smirked at me as I fell down on my knees, "what's the matter princess? Something up?" I looked up at him, it took all my energy to keep my head up in position.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and with his other hand, clamped down on my arm, he hoisted me up and I was dragged along, with my feet I tried digging into the ground like an anchor, but it felt like I had been drained, I couldn't move without him helping me.

I screamed but he stopped me midway by covering my mouth with his hand, he punched me in the stomach and I buckled over, "shutup!" he hissed at me before pulling me up by my hair again.

His hand stayed clamped on my mouth, and I don't think licking him would help right now, my mind was spinning so fast, I really didn't know what he was doing.

'Your being kidnapped genius!' I was telling myself, but it was hard to concentrate on just on thing, my mind was racing almost as fast as my heart and my scalp was stinging, I raised my hand up to try and push his hand away, but he was a lot stronger than me especially in this state, he just pulled me harder and pushed his hand down farther, so that I couldn't breathe easily.

I placed my hand on a clear part of my head and froze when I felt a hot liquid running through my fingers, I pulled them away and focused on my fingers, red blood stained my hand.

We came to a stop and he threw my back against his front, so that he could whisper in my ear, "how are you holding up princess?" I so badly wanted to scream at him, or say back a snooty remark, I just couldn't.

He laughed a deep noise into my ear and pushed me up against something cool, it felt like metal, and it was freezing, snowflakes covered the surface and I tried to position my head so that it was being cooled by the snow, no such luck as he yanked my head back and whispered, "sleep tight princess" before something hard hit me in the back of the head.

A mangled scream escaped my lips and my hands flew to where I had been hit, before I buckled over from the blow and pain, I heard a door being opened and a phone ringing before I fell into a dark pit of sleep.

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