Chapter 2

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I dried my hair furiously then stood up, resting my towel on my shoulders. I stood in my room in my boxers after a nice shower.

"Do you have your uniform ready?" Tamaki asked.

He laid on my bed as I git ready for school for the following Monday.

"Iz in mah closet." I said as I walked to my bathroom.

I hung my towel up as Tamaki continued to talk.

"Have your schedule?" He asked.

"In thah pocket of mah jacket." I answered.

I grabbed my brush and walked back out.

"It looks like you're all ready." He said as he sat up.

I tossed my brush to him and crawled onto the bed. I sat down in front of him with my back to him.

"An' mah parents said tha' they'll be here tab see meh off." I added as he started to brush my hair.

Tamaki loved to mess with my hair. He said it reminded him of a small Pomeranian. Of course, he didn't know what it was called.

"That'll be good." He said. "Seeing friendly faces before  school is always nice."

"An' ah get to see yours, so that's a bonus for meh." I added.

"Awe." Tamaki chuckled.

I chuckled and turned my head towards him, grabbing his chin. He leaned towards me with a smile and we kissed. I sighed and laid against him.

"Anothah year." I said.

"Last year." Tamaki added.

"Then graduation." I replied.

"Then collage." Tamaki agreed.

"Whoa." I said. "No way am ah ready for this growin' up stuff."

"I know." Tamaki said as he started to trace my scars. "But I'm here for you."

I closed my eyes and let out a relaxing sigh. I loved it when he traced my scars.

Tamaki kissed my cheek and laid back, holding me close.

"Ah'll miss summer." I said.

"So will I." Tamaki agreed.

I rolled over until I was facing Tamaki then laid on him, cuddling his torso. Tamaki smiled and laid down, pulling the covers over us. He turned off the lamp and held me close.

"Good night, Cowboy." He said.

"Night, Richie." I said back.

We both fell asleep, cuddling each other.


"Remember, we're always just a phone call away." Dad said. "If we don't answer, then we're just in a meeting."

"I know, Dad." I said as I combed my hair.

Dad and Papa were both in my room with me and Tamaki while we were getting ready. They wanted to make sure to see me off to school before they leave for a couple of months.

"Don't forget to always do your homework." Dad continued.

"Yeah." Pop agreed. "Don't let Tamaki distract you. School is just as important."

"Don't worry, Pazu." Tamaki said. "I won't bother Tobi until his school work is done. I promise."

"You better." Dad said. "I'll know if you kept him from work."

OHS Book 2: Unwanted MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now