Chapter 6

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A/N: Okay, quick note, you will notice a new name "Baibhav". I have changed Bartholomew to Baibhav. I wanted to do that for a very long time and finally got the chance. I have gone back in earlier chapters and changed them. I will be going back and changing the name in my earlier book as well, so don't be alarmed.

Next, I know this chapter came out very quick, but it was mainly because I was surprised that some people were waiting for an update. I sat down and just wrote this out for a while as thanks to those who did stick around. I can't promise how fast I will write out other chapters, but I am incredibly thankful for all of those who did stick around with that amount of patience to see updates.

With that, enjoy the chapter.


"I can't do it anymore," I clutched Floppy close to my chest with a blanket around myself as Baibhav placed a cup on hot cocoa in front of me, "I can't go to that school knowing he is there."

I had left the club very quickly, getting permission from Tamaki to leave the cleaning up to everyone else. I needed to get away and escape any way that Ash could get to me. The very idea that he could get even an inch close to me would make me panic. I was currently home while Baibhav helped me calm down.

"I have to agree," Baibhav said as he sat down next to me, "He's far too dangerous. With your permission, I will call your parents and ask them to pull you out of school for a while. At least until you are mentally prepared to deal with him."

"I can't do that," I picked up my mug and blew on it before taking a sip, "I'll miss so much school and get into a lot of trouble."

"Not if your parents give you permission and you make sure to finish your homework," the Hindi crossed his leg and folded his hands, "You have me to make sure you complete all work sent to you. You'll be in good hands, Tobi."

I looked up at the butler before letting out a sigh, "Yeah, okay. You're right. Thanks, Baib."

Baibhav nodded with a hum, "Good, glad you agree," he stood and straightened his suit, "Now, I will leave you to your comforts while I go contact your parents."

I nodded with a small content hum as Baibhav left the room. Another sip of the cocoa before I lowered the mug. With my free hand, I started to play with the long ears of my purple bunny. I slowly traced my fingers along the many stitched and patches that littered the stuffed toy. My eyes closed as I thought back to one of the many memories I had with Floppy.


"Is this the little guy?"

I looked through my overgrown bangs as I looked up the two men in front of me, hiding behind the legs of the Social Worker. Her hand sat lightly on my head as I clutched a purple bunny. New people looking for a child to take in and, after looking through some files, I was their choice. I wasn't expecting much after I had a few people turn me down already, but new people always scared me.

"This is Tobi," the Social Worker said as she motioned to me, causing the two men to glance up at her before smiling down at me, "Tobi, these two came to take you in for a little while."

I gave a small nod to show that I understood, but refused to leave my safe spot. Two men was something new. Where was the woman? Where was the person I was supposed to call "mom"?

The smaller man with black hair crouched down to my level, his accent sounded odd to me, "Hi, Tobi. I'm Jason, and this is my husband, Pazu."

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