Chapter 4

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"I can't believe this!" Dad yelled. "How can he be out? How can he know where you are."

"Dad, please calm down." I said.

I was Skyping my parents to tell them to news about Ash. Dad was freaking out, like normal, and Pop was processing it in his own quiet way.

"This is the worst thing." Dad continued. "Tobi, we're coming home."

"No, Dad." I said. "You guys stay there. You don't need to come back early."

"But what about Ash?!" Dad asked.

"I'll be fine." I said. "I have Tamaki, the Host Club, most of the school, and Cocoa. I'll be fine."

"He's right." Pop agreed. "Tobi will be just fine with Baibhav. There's no need for us to leave."

"But he's my baby boy!" Dad whined out.

"Dad." I sighed. "I love you and all, but calm down. I'll be just fine. Besides, I do have those fighting lessons I took."

"You haven't fought anybody in over a year." Dad pointed out.

"Fighting is one of those things you never forget." I said. "You guys don't need to worry. As long as I keep an eye out, I'll be fine."

Dad sighed. "You're right. I'm just so worried about you. I know you'll be fine. We'll come home as soon as we can. I love you."

"I love you guys too." I said back

Dad blew a kiss and I blew one back. We hung up and I sighed as I closed my laptop.

"That could've been worse." Tamaki said as he left his chair next to my bed and sat next to me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I love my dad, but he can get carried away sometimes."

Tamaki chuckled as he warped his arm around me and I leaned next to him.

"Hey, what's so special about Baibhav?" Tamaki asked.

I shrugged. "He's got mad ninja skills."

"No, really." Tamaki replied. "Why do your parents trust your life with him?"

"He can fight." I said. "That's all I know. I feel like there's something more to him."

"Probably." Tamaki agreed. "Now you get some sleep. It's been a long day for you."

"Yeah." I agreed. "Can you stay the night? I don't want to be alone tonight."

"I'll have to call my grandma to see first." Tamaki replied.

I nodded. "Okay."


"Alright." Tamaki said in his phone. "Thank-you. I'll see you tomorrow."

Tamaki hung up his phone as he sighed.

"She said yes?" I asked.

"Yeah." Tamaki said as he walked over to me. "Sorry I had to tell her about Ash."

"It's okay." I said as I pulled Tamaki next to me. "Whatever will get her to let you stay with me."

Tamaki kissed my head as he laid next to me.

"Think Pazu will let me borrow a pair of pyjamas?" He asked.

"You'll have to call and ask." I said. "I can't speak for him."

"I'll do just that." Tamaki said as he grabbed his phone.

After a short phone call and a quick change of clothes. Tamaki and I cuddled up to each other as we laid in my bed. I was now more relaxed than I have been all day. Laying close to Tamaki, smelling his sweet sent. It always calmed me. I loved it even more when he played with my hair, and he knew that. He always did it when I had a stressful day.

"I love you, Tamaki." I said.

"I love you, too." Tamaki replied.


Sorry this chapter is so short! I just felt like this was a perfect way to end it. Also, I'm so sorry this chapter took freaking months to update. I haven't been that motivated to write. Ive also had to deal with  school and, being a Senior, graduation. Hopefully, the next chapter will be better.

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