Summer camp☀️chapter 2

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The 10th of July came pretty quick and I was very exited to see Tyler, I got my suitcase and pack it in my dad pickup. I turned around and say goodbye to my younger brother and my mom I told them I had to go so I hopped in the passenger seat and check my phone screen i got a new message "soooo exited to see you today I got lots planed for us this week!!" Tyler sent me a smirk appeared on my face that made my dad curious "what all of that for?" He said " oh! Nothing to worry about dad" I told him to reassure him "okay" he awnsered. I also awnsered Tyler " yah I'm so exited to see what do you got planned!?I miss talking to you!!" When my dad pulled over at the camp my eye wandered around trying to find his familiar face BINGO right there, I think he spotted me too he started walking over saying hi and then he brought me into a hug?! What?! Okay I won't refuse it!! It not bothering me but it bothering my dad so he interrupted it with a fake cought I turn  around to a dad with a concerned look he passes a bag to me I went to start walking "wait" someone spoke "let me bring it for you" the familiar voice match Tyler's voice "no no it fine I got it " I told Tyler "let me be a gentleman and bring it for you Dawson" He said "fine" I replied passing him my suitcase bringing it in a room saying my name he places it beside a bed I asked him who my roommate he replied " since I came here a bunch of time I asked them if I can share a room with you and because they adore me they agreed" "ummmm but aren't girl and boy not suppose to share a room?!?!" I told Tyler " like I said they love me so they let me do it "he said immediately. "Okay okay" I'm not complaining .  So we left are room and we start walking to the big meeting room sorta thing we sat down and started listening to the directors I place my hands on the ground just to give me more support but then I felt something go on it? I take a peek and see Tyler's hand on top of mine I didn't mind so I kept it there but I looked behind me and see a very angry girl I didn't care... The directors finally finished and we got up and head to the lunch room, we sat down to a very cute round table that can seat 4 we sat beside each other then I guys with light brown flowed hair with brown eyes sat in front of Tyler he looked hot! They start a hand shake then started a conversation but Tyler reach in for my hand so I reached out to grab it then Tyler told he's buddy "oh this is Dawson we go to school togheter" "that cool bro" the guy answers I replied very shyly "h-hi" then the guy answered " hello I'm Tommy"  then a smiled back cause I didn't know what to reply. Someone else then approach the table the same girl I saw angry she came up and sat in front of me looking straight in my eyes. But interrupted by " ummm Faith are yooou okay?!?" She stop the staring and turned to look at Tyler " uhh y-yah I'm fine uhh how you've been T-Tyl-ler" she said to him trying to say casual but it sounded very awkward and weird. "I've never been better" he replied to Faith " who your new friend??" She said very quickly "um this is Dawson" after that faith gave me a other dirty look then left saying goodbye to Tommy and Tyler but not me.. Okay whatever Tyler then turned around facing me saying " don't mind her she jealous she had a crush on me since she laid her eyes on me 2 year  ago "  " yah whatever I didn't really care, it was just awkward" I told Tyler . We finally got severed with 2 pizza slices "they smell amazing" I shared "they are amazing" Tommy said taking a second bite Tyler giggled. When we finished are pizzas desert came in chocolate covered strawberries there were yummy in my tummy I said to myself in my head not to sound wierd. Everybody head to there room and put pyjamas on I went it the awkward changing room in are room I put my pj shorts with my pink tank top and get out of the changing room Tyler was gone nope he was hiding on the wall and tackled me and tickled me a lot I laughed and then we undid are bed and hopped in but the light wasn't closed it was all the way at the door "uhh you go close the light" I said "noo" said Tyler "fine a match of rock paper scissor will settle this" I replied "game on" he told me with a smirk "rock paper scissors" we both said at the same time. I landed on rock and Tyler on paper  Tyler laughed and I got up saying uhh walk to the light switch then walking back with a little yawn I go I my bed and I hear "good night sweet dreams"  I knew it was Tyler who else would it be so I replied with " good night see you in the morning".

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