Chapter 24 couldnt be any happier sorta

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We arrived first there "boy or girl"Noah asked "I don't know I wanted to wait for you, I did a appointment for tomorrow" I said "great" he said he was glowing. He picked me up and spun me around then put me one the ground his arms around my waist and kissed me. People started coming the music started and lots of people were one the dance floor time to time guest came and congratulate us about our marriage and also the baby on the way my mother came she was still glowing from the news she was very happy. The food was getting served we ate my parent on my side his parent on his side and are bride maid  and best man were all at our table we laughed and talk. I went on the dance floor Noah fallowed me and we slowed dance and just danced. A slow song started Zach came "may i?" He asked Noah, noah game him my hand we started dance staring in each other eyes "I wanted to congratulate you a second time" he said then spun me around " well thank you, I also wanted to thank you For Being a awesome friend" I said " my pleasure is mine" he said with a smirk. The song changed and it was a slow on again my dad came he started dancing with me the song ended, I walk to the dj's table to grab the bouquet of flowers I was on stage all the girls gathered around I turned facing my back to them 3!2!1! I threw it Haly caught it I turned around and looked at her she had a huge smile on her face. Party was over people left me and Noah were just giving out hugs and saying bye. We got home and got in our pj and sat in the bed " what are we going to name are baby" Noah asked "I don't know it depends if it a girl or a boy" I said "but can I ask u something?" I asked "shoot" Noah replied " can Zach be the god father?" I asked " for sure I was thinking the same since he's both of are friend and is a great supporter" he said. I smiled and sat on his lap I put my arms around his neck and kissed my he then gently place me on the bed going on top of me taking of my shirt and kissing down my neck I let out a little moan. After all of you know we laid there he was rubbing my belly the baby kicked a little he then went on his side spooning me for the rest of the night.
I ran into the bathroom as quick as I can kneeled down to the toilet and started puking crazy Noah came running in the bathroom he grabbed my hair and held it so I wouldn't get anything on it he sat down and placed me on his lap when I was done he made me a glass of water to rinse out my mouth he flushed the toilet while I was brushing my Teeth he looked at me "you good?" He asked "I feel like shit" I replied he picked me up bridal style and brought me down stair he made me eggs bacon and potatoes with toast for breakfast he even pored a glass of orange juice. We ate and watch a movie he was cuddling me while rubbing my belly to get rid of the pain. We got up and said "baby bump his showing a bit" Noah said chuckling "haha you think so" i said. I got dressed hopped in the car Noah drove to the hospital I sat in the chair Noah holding my hand and looking at the screen the doctor lifted my shirt of my stomach and put some cream all over it he took the gadget and rubbed it in Circular motion he looked at me and Noah "it a boy" he said with a smile Noah jump out his seat "yessss yesssss" he said I laughed it was a priceless moment the doctor printed out the picture and gave it to us. " did you get your pills miss?" The doctor asked "no I did not" I said he Prescribed me with some pills Noah grabbed my hand we walked to the car he was still very exited he leaned in and kissed me and I kissed him back " I couldn't be any happier!!" He said "I'm glad to hear that" I said leaning for a other kiss. We got home and entered the empty guest room that was soon to be are baby boy's room Noah ran to the market and bought a beautiful baby blue for his room I got into old clothes and started painting I felt two muscular arms around my waist I turned around and Noah dotted my face with his paint brush full of paint " game on" I said with a grin on my face we had a huge paint fight but ended up finishing painting the room we laughed and kissed we hopped in the shower and got rid of all the paint  we also threw out are old clothes. We got dressed and picked up all the plastic on the floor and cleaned the room and let the paint dry. We sat on the couch think of baby names "Tommy?" Noah said "no I had a friend that is name was Tommy he was jerk how about Kyle?" I said "mm it does give me the wow factor" he replied then bingo "LIAM" we said at the same time " I guess it Liam" I giggled "yup" he chuckled . We went to bed.
Today we wanted to decorate the room a bit so we went at the market and bought white letter that spelled 'Liam' a shelf so we can place teddy bear on we bought a white crib and a white rocking chair and yellow and green carpet and some baby sheet that were green and yellow we bought cute picture frames of cute dinosaurs and a frame we can put of the family picture me Noah and Liam :). I also bought lots of teddy bears. I was going down the aisle of baby clothes I wasn't paying attention and I bump into someone I didn't look up " I'm sorry I should've looked where I was going " i said arm picked me up when we saw each other "OMG Tyler?" I said "Dawson?" Tyler said " are you pregnant?" He asked with a nasty look " yes" I said he grabbed my arms it felt like he was crushing my bones "who the father" he asked tightening his grip" Noah is the father! Can you let go of me now" I groaned he looked at my finger "you married the bastard?!" He screamed at me squishing harder " he his a loving, sweet guy nothing like you" I spat he then punched me in my stomach then pushed me on the ground hitting my head on the floor really hard I screamed in pain Tyler went and grabbed my throat "baby your okay but you should of picked me were made for each other Dawson and I don't want the baby get in the way" he spat and smashed my head on the floor again. Noah came and punched him right in the nose he called 911 an ambulance picked me and Tyler was sent to jail. I got in the ambulance Noah was holding my hand " it going to all be okay baby just don't close your eyes" he said I can hear how worried he was I started crying and screaming "the baby the baby oh what about Liam!!" I cried " he going to be just fine" Noah said to reassure me. I woke up in a hospital bed Noah sitting beside me "what happend omg how the baby?????" I screamed Noah looked at me "Liam is fine his healthy and didn't get hurt" he said "but you've been in a coma for a 2 weeks babe" he cried I got up and I hugged him. I got checked out of the hospital the ride home was silent I walked in the house straight into Liam's room Noah continued everything we bought was all in place the crib under the name Liam the bed was made the carpet in front the rocking chair in the corner with pillows and a teddy bear shelf on top of the chair filled with teddies with a fluffy blanket on the arm rest of the chair, his closet was full of the clothes and shoes we bought. A tear of joy went down my face I turned around and jump in his arm my legs around his waist I whispered in his ear " it perfect" he looked in my eyes and kissed me. Boots was sleeping on the rocking chair. We went to bed Noah was rubbing his hand on my stomach I had a ice pack on my forehead.

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