Chapter 23 Announcement

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It a month before the wedding but this morning I didn't feel good I ran to the bathroom and puke in the toilet I also missed lots of my period. I washed my face for dressed I was home alone Noah was gone with Zach and his friend shopping for they're tuxes. I got in the car and drove to the hospital i asked for a pregnancy the doctor made me do one, turn out i'm 3 month pregnant! I thanked the doctor and headed home I was kinda shocked and trying to find a way I can tell Noah then it hit me I have no idea what to write in my vows I can confess in front of him my family and his. Noah was home he was very tired I could tell he grabbed me and sat  on his lap we were one the couch. " what did you do today babe?" He asked " oh just calling the priest, invitation and my vows" I said he smirked "can I here" he asked " it a surprise" I said he chuckled and kissed me and we made just eggs and bacon for supper. I called Zach
~hey Zach I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tomorrow or something?
-sure I'll pick you up at 1 tomorrow?
-ok bye
Zach came and picked me "hey" Zach said "what up" I asked "oh nothing really how about you?" He asked "I'll tell you when we get to your apparentment" I said we blasted the music and sang to it we got in his apparentment we sat on his couch " so what up?" Zach asked again " umm I need to tell you something but I need you to keep it a secret it a surprise for Noah" I said he looked confused but didn't say anything "I'm 3 month pregnant" I said with a smile "omg Dawson that awesome" he hugged me "that not it" I said "what can be better news then that?!" He said "I want you to be the god father!!" I said really loud and happy " DAWSON THAT WOULD BE A AWESOMER!!" he said screaming in joy he hugged me "do you know if it a boy or a girl" he asked "no I'm waiting to go with Noah" i said "that great news" he said. We ate pizza for soupper. I got home kinda late Noah was snoring on the couch I taped his shoulder he woke up "hey" I whispered "where were you?" He asked with a sleepy voice " I was with Zach" I said we walk up in our room and went to bed.
A MONTH LATER/ wedding day
I was really exited for today so I can say the big announcement to everyone especially Noah!! I couldn't see Noah today cause it bad luck for the groom to his bride before the wedding. I went in the change room and slipped on my beautiful wedding gown on my hair was in this fancy bun my mom walk in " oh sweetie you look amazing" she said with tears in her eyes she placed my vale in my dad came in my mom left so it be me and my dad tear went down his face "my little girl is a grown woman" he said "you look beautiful sweet Pi" he then left so I can see how amazing my maid of honour and bride maids looked they walked in and we did a huge group hug "you all look so gorgeous!!" I said almost screaming "says you" Haly said we then got out of the change room the bride maid walk down the aisle then the best man the flower girl walk it was Noah little cousin then I got out everyone stood up and looked at me my dad came out too grabbing my hand then walking with me when we got to the end he flipped my vale to reveal my face he kissed my cheek and sat down. I walk the rest of the way and stood in front of Noah are eyes were locked togheter he whispered "you look beautiful" I giggled the priest then started "we are gathered here today for the marriage of Noah Wisingberg and Dawson Dessureault" he continued "if there anyone in this room who doesn't approve tell now or forever hold this promise, now for the vows miss Dessureault you may go first" I cleared my throat and started my vows " we're here today so I can marry my best friend I head to over think thing but the only thing I didn't have to over think his my feelings for Noah, yes we did have are ups and downs but we always found light at the end of the tunnels it didn't stop us from loving each other im very exited to call my best friend love of my life my husband" I tear of joy went down my face Noah wiped it away with his thumb I continued my vows " now I need to confess something to family friend and especially Noah" every look at each other then me Noah looked confused Zach was the only one who look happy cause he knew what I was going to say " I'm 4 months pregnant" I said everyone let out a gasp then started cheering I could see my parents glowing in the crowd Noah's eyes were wide and at a confused look but I can tell in his eyes he was full of joy inside he hugged me and spun me around " that awesome princess!!" He said then putting back were I was the priest then look at Noah " Noah you may say your vows but this a thought one to beat" he chuckled " I'm exited to say that this intelligent beautiful thought hard working woman is soon to be called mine, now with a out beautiful child on the way I couldn't be any happier, we went to hell and back but we loved each other to much to let go know my best friend and me are getting married I'm very happy that I'm going to pass the rest of my life with Dawson" he smiled at me then the priest said "do you Dawson take Noah Wisingberg as you awful loving husband?" "I do" I said smiling "do you Noah take Dawson Dessureault as your awful loving wedded wife?" The priest said " i do" he replied happy " you may kiss your bride" he said Noah cuffed my cheeks with his hand and leaned in so did I we closed are eyes and put are lips togheter they fit perfectly. Everyone cheered we slipped are rinds on and turned to face the crowd we held hand and lifted are hand that was holding each other Noah then put his hand around my waist and picked me up bridal style and brought us to the car and took of to go to the ball room/ dinning room...

I never been to a wedding so I don't really know how they go so I did the basic but don't judge I really did try!! Thank you for reading

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