Chapter III: The Prophecy

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Jason POV

"Why is this happening? It doesn't make any sense." Annabeth spoke out, "Why are super-powered people trying to communicate with us?". "Correction, Batman is human." butted in Leo with a smirk. Annabeth gave him a death glare. "But what startled me was what Superman said. He said, 'They are coming for it.....'. I couldn't make out the rest but it just kept on repeating again and again", I said with a shiver. "For me, the fish man said, '......set free to destroy the world'. But something about him looked strangely familiar", said Percy.

"Wait a second guys, it's starting to make sense now! Why didn't I see this before?" said Annabeth excitedly, "Thalia and Nico, you guys also got a message right?". Both of them nodded. Annabeth continued, "I think all of you guys got bits of a prophecy! So if we combine all the lines together w-". "We end up with a completed prophecy." said Percy completing Annabeth's sentence. "So we know that Jason's line comes first and Percy's comes last, so Thalia's and Nico's will come somewhere in the middle", an excited Hazel said. "I think mine comes after Jason's", said Thalia. "Okay, let's hear it all together then", said Annabeth.

"They are coming for it....", I started.

"...and when they find it,...", continued Thalia.

"...he will be set free....", went on Nico.

"...set free to destroy the world", finished Percy.

Hearing the prophecy as a whole sent a chill up my spine. It affected not only me, but everyone else as well.

What could it mean? Who will be set free? Also did it say he will destroy the world?

All these questions were bothering my mind when suddenly something came hurling through the window, breaking the glass and rolled on the floor. When I took a closer look, I screamed out, "GUYS TAKE COVER, IT'S LAUGHING GAS!" Unfortunately I was too late and the gas broke out as I felt it creeping up my nose and into my lungs.

I blacked out as I saw a man walk through the front door.

And he seemed to be smiling.

Smiling hard.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I promise that the next one will be longer. And also I forgot to mention in the introduction that there will be a sneak peak for the sequel of this story.


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