Chapter 28: ...To make him happy

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"What do you mean by 'stay with us'?" stretch asked, holding red.

"I meant... keep dating you. I love you both more than anything... also... i need to show you something..."

Red looked at his sneakers and stretch looked at him.

"What is it?"

Red sighed and put his hands under his shirt. He pulled his soul out and showed stretch... it was more blue than usual... then stretch realised.

"You soulshared with him didn't you?"


"Well... god damn it...*sigh look, i just..."

Red looked scared. He had seen this before. Except it was his brother. That hadn't ended well. His brother had killed them. Red backed away from stretch. He was crying too.

"Sans? Are you okay?"

Red's vision started to fade, and he started to see his brother instead of stretch. He looked angry to red.

"b-boss ... p-please d-don-n't hurt m-me! I d-didn't mean t-to..."

"Sans!? What's wrong!?"

Stretch stepped closer and red backed away. Red started crying harder.

"Boss... p-please..."

"Why are you calling me-"

Stretch stopped. He realised what had happened. So he left the room and walked to where edge was sitting.

"Can you tell me something?"

"Uhh... sure?"

"Red got freaked out when i sterted... well... when he told me about how he soulshared with sci."

"He did what!?"

"Calm down. Anyways, when i tried to talk to him about it, he backed away and started panicking. And... he started calling me boss."

"Boss? Oh no. his magic must be acting up. He probably saw me... not you... he's scared..."


"Because he thinks you... or rather i, are going to kill sci."

"Why would i do that!?!?"

"Because i did... look, a long time ago, someone soulshared with him... and i got angry. When i finally found out who... i searched for them. And when i found them, i k-... yeah... i was horrible..."

"How do i get him out of it?"

"You have to leave him alone, and get sci to talk to him. If you do, he'll die out of fear."

"Okay. i trust you."

Stretch went to the guest room and knocked on the door.

"Yes? Oh, hi stretch!"

"Hey sci... can you go talk to red? He's having a huge panic attack, and i'm afraid you're the only one who can fix it."

Sci nodded. "Where is he?"

"My room."


Sci walked to stretch's room and knocked on the door. "Red? Are you okay?"

"Wh-who is i-it?"

"It's sci... please open the door. I want to talk to you."

The door opened a crack and sci saw red's eye, glowing dark red. "S-sci? C-come in-n" sci entered and sat on the bed next to red.

"Are you okay?"

"J-just f-f-fine...w-why?"

"Because one, you scared the hell out of stretch and two, you're stuttering like crazy."

"Y-yeah... im a m-mess..."

"Sans, take a deep breath and calm down, okay?"

Red took a deep breath.

"Hey sci?"


"Can i ask you something?"

"*chuckles you just did."


"Sorry. yeah. Anything you feel like red."

"Is it okay if i'm with you and stretch? I mean, i love you both and we're all kinda stuck together."

"Of course. And i love you too."

Sci smiled and tried to kiss red, but red pushed him away.

"L-look, i just... i need to think about everything... okay?"


Sci stood up to leave, but red grabbed sci's sleeve and pulled him into a kiss.

"I need you to get stretch so i can talk to you both. Okay?"


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