Chapter 11: recap and dinner

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Red woke up groggily, remembering last night and how happy he was. He looked at paps who was asleep on him, covering him like a well fitting blanket, red smiled and kissed paps' skull. He tried to push paps off him, but all that happened was paps groaned and smiled wearily.



"How'd you sleep?"

"Honestly? Better than ever before. But i think that's just 'cause i slept with the best monster ever." Red said, smiling.

"Aww... Hey, i'm gonna take a shower. I feel all sticky. You wanna...?"

Red chuckled
"That's exactly what I was hoping for."

As they showered, paps couldn't help tracing red's crack in his skull with his finger.



"Could you tell me... How you got that crack?"

Red widened his eyes then looked at the shower tiles.


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Know what? I'm sick of Being scared of my so-called brother. I'll tell you, just... Let's do it over breakfast, okay?"

"Anything you want."

~after the shower~

Paps made both of them potato waffles with honey and mustard as the drinks. He went into the living room and gave red the mustard and one of the plates.

"Eat up!"

"I will. This looks really good. I didn't know you could cook."

"Me neither." paps joked, and they both laughed.
"So, the crack?"

"Right... Ugh..." Red cringed at the thought of it.

"If you don't want to talk ab-"

"No. It's fine, i just..." He started crying. Tears streaming down his face.

"Sans..." Paps said comforting him and rubbing his shoulder bone.

"So..." Red started when he had calmed down enough. "My brother told me to make him some lunch. Because i'm his property, i had to obey, but when i tried to reach the last glass on the top shelf, my hand slipped and it broke. With the noise, of course he came in to see what had happened. When he saw, he got angry, started swearing, and saying it was my fault. Then he dragged me by the dog collar and took me to my room, where he chained me to the wall and..." He had tears streaming down his face more and paps was crying too.

"It's okay, you don't have to-"

"Paps. I told you. I'm doing this. No. Matter. What."

Paps nodded and kissed red's cheekbone before red started up again.

"Anyways, he chained me to the wall and... He just fucked me and beat me relentlessly. I would bleed, and if i bled too much, he would use a knife and.... Anyways, one night, i got sick of it, so i hid from him... When he found me... He grabbed my skull and crashed it against the wall... Right where a support beam was... But luckily, the door knocked. (Probably one of his clients) and i took the chance to teleport. Un luckily, i wound up in your front yard in a huge snowstorm. I blacked out i guess, then i woke up and you scared me. I thought you were my brother and you were going to get your revenge... Heh, little did i know..."

Paps was crying more than before. He held red's hand in a death grip and said with his voice cracking, "sans... I'm so sorry... I couldn't hepl you... I couldn't..." He stopped and red pulled him into a hug. "It's okay paps. There's nothing you could've done... Well... Actually..." He put his finger under paps' chin and pushed his head up so thier eyes met,"you did the best thing anyone could ever have done." "W-what?" Red smiled and kissed paps passionately before saying "you gave me someone that i love more than anything in this cruel and painful world." Paps started crying again as he said, "ditto." Red chuckled and kissed paps again. "I love you papy." "I love you too sans."

The rest of the day was spent cleaning the wet and sticky floor, couch, and clothing that was tossed on the tv and floor.

By dinner, they had finished and were quite hungry. "You want something to eat?" Red asked. "Yeah. I'm starving." Red grinned then had a thought. "What if... You had me for dinner?" Paps laughed, clearly not understanding. "I mean it. Let me show you." Red jumped paps and took off both thier pairs of shorts before holding paps in place.

"You ready for a big serving of me?" Red asked paps seductivley.

"Ohh fuck yes." Came the excited reply.

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