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        (A/N-before you read this I would recommend re-reading chapter 8)

        Mel's Point of View
I turn around to face the one person I have missed the absolute most since I moved to North Carolina from Georgia. And now he's here. My best friend since second grade.

"Cameron?"(A/N-not Cameron Dallas)

But no. It can't be him. He lives in Georgia.

"Oh my gosh!" We both scream and run into each others arms. When we break from the hug I smile wide at him "Cam! What are you doing here?!?"

"Well my mom got a job transfer here." He replies his smile brightening up the street.

"Oh my gosh! I still can't believe you're here!" I say. This is the happiest I have felt in a really really long time.

"Me either!" He says, hugging me again.

"Wanna go grab some lunch and we can catch up?" He says.

"Yeah of course." I respond.

He intertwines my fingers in his and I smile down at our hands. We were best friends. And that's all we ever were. He acted like an over protective brother but like a boyfriend at the same time. I liked it that way. If anyone look at us right now it would look like we're dating. But truth is, that's how it's always been. But we aren't a thing. And to be honest I don't think we ever will be.

We arrive at a small diner and I order a Sprite with some pasta.

"I'll be back with your meals shortly." The waitress says, flashing a smile at us, which we return.

"So how have you been?" Cameron asks.

"Not to good."

"What? Why?"

"My dad got married to this snobby lady named Victoria. And all she wants is for me to like her. But I don't. My dad and I had a big fight on the fourth about her and we haven't talked since. I made 3 friends but the boys a jerk and told me my family was messed up. That's why I was just walking around. I needed to clear my head." I spill it all out to him.

"Mel I'm so sorry. I'm sure everything will work out in the end."

"Well I hope so anyway. So what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just working on basketball. I'm team captain now which is fun. That's about it. Everything's good back home." He reports.

"That's good."

"Here's your food. Enjoy." The waitress perks.

-after the meal-

   "I had a lot of fun with you today." Cameron says.
"So did I. You really helped me clear my thoughts." I answer. He smiles at me.

"Well I better get going before my mom starts to worry. We need to start hanging out more." He says. I agree and start walking home. I open up my phone to see it blown up with texts from Asher, Willow and Bailey. But I ignore it. My best friend is back. And I couldn't be happier.

Made By:-mendestype

Made By:-mendestype ----------------------------------------------

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He looks like Shawn :)

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