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Ruby eased herself off of her hospital bed, feeling like she'd been in a car crash. Oh wait. 

All of her joints hurt, every little movement. Her head throbbed, and brilliant purple bruises flourished around her shoulders.

And she was still wearing her party outfit. Talk about a long night.

On the little table beside her bed was her iPod and silver bangle. She quickly snatched her bangle and put it back on her right wrist, where it had been worn for years. She had felt oddly uneasy without it, as if it was a part of her body.

The door was flung open and an agitated-looking nurse came bustling in.

"Oh good your awake," she said with an air of annoyance. She plonked a breakfast tray on Ruby's lap and started running checks, muttering to herself. Something about 'dangerous', 'irresponsible' and 'aliens' whilst she dabbed some antiseptic on the injuries. 

"Make sure you take those painkillers with your water," she pointed to them as if she thought Ruby was too blind to notice, "And then Major Lennox would like to see you. Just turn left, then go through the door straight ahead, he'll be around somewhere." 

Outside, it was hot and bright. There was a slight, salty breeze that felt fresh on Ruby's face. Ahead was a tangle of buildings, and to the right was the airfield where she had landed last night. In her tired state, Ruby hadn't realised just how huge it was. This morning it was filled with different aircraft and vehicles, and also hundreds of soldiers and officers. 

"Yo Ruby! How are you feeling this morning?" shouted Tyrese. He came running over to her.

"Er, alright, all things considered, how about you?" she replied.

"Excellent thanks." He caught up to her  and smiled. He had very white teeth. "Here, I'll take you to Major Lennox. We're all hanging in the communications office this morning."

They walked over to a large hanger, the door of which was a good thirty feet high. Inside, the roof was even higher. Not quite what she had expected when he'd said 'office.'

There was a large empty space in the first half of the hanger, and then there was a strange bridge-like structure. Metal stairs on the left and right-hand walls  led onto a long, thin platform that spanned the width of the building. Behind it was what Ruby imagined to be a mechanic's workshop, or probably several mechanics?

Tyrese led her up the steps to the platform, which was well over twenty feet high. Here, there was quite a bit of technology, mainly consisting of things Ruby could only guess about. But it seemed to be audio and video stuff. Major Lennox was up here, talking to a pale man sitting at a computer, surrounded by lots of extra gadgets.

"Hey Lennox!" shouted Tyrese, "Ruby's here."

Major Lennox turned around, a smile on his face, and strode over to them, "Hey guys," he said cheerfully. He took a radio from his belt and spoke into it, "Yo, tell Optimus and the autobots to come to the communications office, over."

"Copy that," a voice said back. Major Lennox put the radio back on his belt and spoke to Ruby, "Are you feeling better today? Your shoulders looked awful last night."

"Much better thank you," she replied.

"I feel fine too, thanks for asking," added Tyrese.

"Ignore him," Major Lennox whispered to Ruby, "he has attitude problems," he pointed to Tyrese as if he was out of earshot.

"Well!" exclaimed Tyrese; and he walked off in a huff. Ruby grinned. They weren't going to hurt her.

"You're probably wondering why you're here," continued Major Lennox.

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