Nagisa x Reader

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"Nagisa-kun!" You yelled out to your blue haired boyfriend.
"Oh. (Y/N)-chan! Ready for our date?"
"Yup! Sorry I'm late. Did you wait long?" You asked walking beside him entering the amusement park.
"No I just got here."

The rest of the day was filled with laughs and screams on rollercoasters.

"Nene (Y/N)-chan. Lets go there" said Nagisa pointing at the haunted house.
"H-haunted house? Nagisa-kun. I don't think i can handle it..."
"It'll be fine. I'm here with you!" He replied, dragging you into the house

Time Skip

"N-nagisaa!" You wimpered, exiting the haunted house. "Lets go get something to eat..."

"Sure (Y/N)-chan. And when did you stop using horifics for me?"
"Uhhh... I-i was scared."
"Hmm alright. Hey, let's skip food for now. I wanna go on the Farris wheel"
He paused for a moment then started dragging you towards the Farris wheel.
"Hmm? Whats wrong?" You questioned.
"Nothing, lets go!"

Soon enough the you two got on the wheel and it stopped while you two were at the very top.

"Nagisa-kun! Look at the veiw!"
"Yeah it's amazing... Hey (Y/N)-chan?"
Suddenly he leaned forward.
"(Y/N)-chan. I liked it when you didn't use horrifics. Can we stop? (Y/N)?"
"S-sure. Nagisa-ku- Nagisa." You say catching yourself.
He leaned in more for a kiss. Your lips connected with his for a brief moment until he broke the kiss.
"I love you. (Y/N)."
"I love you too. Nagisa."

《 END 》

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