Itona X Reader

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"Itona~!" You called out to your childhood friend.

"Oh. (Y/N). It's just you." He said almost emotionless.

"Hey! What do you mean it's just me?" You pouted.

"It's so stupid, it's sad."

"What is?"

"This." He said holding up your test paper. "How can you get a 65 in (f/s)? Isn't (f/s) your favourite subject?" He questioned.

"Hehe. Well...."

"Shouldn't you be studying instead of bothering me?"

"I don't wanna!" You protested.

"What will get you to study?"

"Well, a mac book air, the newest iphone, a trip to hawaii, tv, new room decor, a toutor, new pu-"

"Wait stop." He interupted your rant.

"What is it?"

"Did you just say a tutor?"

"Yeah.. what about it. Oh god you better not-"

"I'll be your tutor. I can help you in (f/s)" He offers.

"Itona I'll be fine. I don't need you as a to-"

"I'll buy you the newest iPhone and remake your room."

"Deal." You quickly agree.


"I knew you were stupid but out of 40 questions you only got 15 right? I'm scared to see what your other tests look like." He said looking over the test he gave you. You look down in shame and embarrassment.

"Ehe. I think I might need more help."

"YOU THINK!?" He yells.

"Maybe I can get Isogai's help? He's pretty good with this subject."

He muttered something under his breath but you couldn't understand.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yeah? What up Itona?"

"How are you so bad? I don't think even Koro-sensei could help you."

"How rude!"

"I'm just saying the truth. Common, let's bake a cake. That's your specialty isn't it?"

"Yayy cake!!! Let's bake!"

You two spend the next hour baking the cake and it's finally done.

"Looks like it turned out nicely." Said Itona poking at the the top of the cake. You swat his finger away.

"No poking. I still need to cut the muffin top off and decorate it!"

"Aww." He pouts.

"Fine. You can have the muffin top." You say cutting off the muffin top, giving it to him.

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