Karma x Reader

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"So class today we have a new student. Please welcome (L/N)-san." The yellow octopus anounced.
"Hello everyone! My name is (Y/N)(L/N)! I hope we can all be friends." I say with a closed eye smile. I can here wispers like
"Woah look how hot she is"
"I wonder why she got sent here? Isn't she the top student from class 3A?"
"Will she be able to kill Koro-sensei?"
I walk up and bow to koro-sensei and as I up, the hidden blade flys out of my sleave and manages to hit a tentacle. I quickly grab my gun and my second blade and slash at koro-sensei. But of course he dodges. As expected. I shot my gun and it landed on a leg, then I rapid fired. He dodged all of it. 'Tch' I can hear the wows and the applaud as i manage to hurt koro-sensei.
"Excellent job trying to assassinate me (L/N)-san. You have to try harder to kill me by March." He said with green strips on his face. "Now please sit beside Karma-kun" I send him a 'tch' and took my seat. Uhh who exactly is Karma? As if my mind was read, a redhead at the back of the classroom stood up.
"I think you're looking for me (Y/N)-chan~" he said with a smurk and sat down. I walk up to him and sat down an at the empty seat beside him. Class began.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
I was getting anoyed with the guy.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Stop poking me" I wispered.
Nothing happened.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
Goddammit this guy doesn't listen!
"Please stop it!" I tried one more time.
Nothing happened.
"Fine then (Y/N)-chan~ on one condition though."
"What is it?"
"AHEM! Karma-kun and (L/N)-san please stop flirting and pay attention to the lesson."
Koro-sensei interupted. Now we had the whole class staring.
"Sorry teach I'm leaving." Said the redhead as he walked out the door.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

"Hey I'm Kayano Keade nice to meet you!"
"I'm Nakamura Rio"
"My name's Shiota Nagisa. I'm a boy by the way"
All of a sudden I had a crowd of people surrounding me and introducing themselfs to me.
"Hey (Y/N)~chan wanna eat lunch with us?" Asked Kayano
"Sure I'd love to!"
"Yay girl time!"
We all got together and started talking about me.
"Hey (Y/N)-chan. I know you just joined our class but is there a guy you've taken a liking to?" Rio suddenly asked.
"Well I don't really know any of the guys..."
"Hey what type of guys are you into? We have many types in out class. Let's see, ikemen, playboy, innocent, sadist-"
"She obviously like Karma."
"W-what? T-that redheaded freak?" I tried defending."I-I don't like anyone yet!" I said with a hint of pink on my checks. Hopefully they won't notice.
"Yet is the keyword honey."
"Whahhhh" i screamed as karma just appared behind us.
"K-k-k-krama-kun! What are you doing here?"
"I heard my name" he replied sticking his tounge out and walked away. Okay weird people.

~time skip to the day after~
"(Y/N)-chan~" that voice sent shivers down my spine.
"What is it redhead?"
"Just wondering if you fell in love with me yet~" he said smurking. But that just made me red
"W-wah.. w-why would I f-fall in love with y-you?"
"Hmm~ your face is red. Kawaii~"
Is it possible to be more red than I already am?
I turn away still blushing madly.
Ding. Dong. Ding.
Saved by the bell, oh wait I'm going to be late.

~time skip to lunch~
(So many time skips)
I was under a tree in the yard eating my bento.
Hmm... i wonder where is that redhead right now.
Wait why am I thinking of him?
Do I like him?
My thoughts were inturrupted by the redhead popping up in front of me
"Yo (Y/N)-chan whatcha doing spaced out? You thinking of me~?"
My face turned red. There was no way he read my thoughts.
"Ahahaha I'm right, aren't I. You are thinking of me."
I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed him away but in that time, he managed to grab my sleave and pull me down with him. And with that, I fell on top of him. I turned red again.
"B-b-b-b-baka!" I said trying to get off him, but he grabbed me and pulled me closer.
"L-let me go!" I tried again but nada.
"Listen to me (Y/N)-chan."
"What is it?"
"I likeeee you~"
And with that he pushed me off and got up.
"What about you? Do you like me back?"
I began to blush again.
"I-I-I like you too."
"What? I can't hear you~"
"I like you too." I said again more firm and a bit louder.
"Sorry what was that?"
I covered my mouth after relizing I screamed that. He pulled me into a hug and I blushed even more.
"I like you even more (Y/N)~"

"i knew it"
"Called it"
"Now who owes me 5 bucks?"
Everyone is the class was already watching and they even made bets.
"Furfufufufu this is purrfect"
Damn that octopus.

《 END 》

Whaaaa that was hard to write. Lemme know if it was good. Message me for requests.

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