Chiba x Reader

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"Chiba-kun! Can you pass the broom?" I asked the silent shooter. He nods and throws the broom over.

Because of Karasuma's training, I was able to catch it with ease.

"Hey y/n, do you ever wonder what wouls happen if we couls touch the sky?" He reached his hand up and tried to grasp the sky. It was around 5pm so the sky was a pink-ish purple instead of it's regular blue. I've always loved cotton candy coloured skies.

"Don't be rediculous Chiba-kun. If we could do that then astronautes would be useless right?" I chuckle.

"R-right... u-umm y/n, theres a festivle coming up this saturday. I was wondering if you... would.. like to... go with me" he got quieter and quieter his face slowly turning a light crimsion.

"Sure Chiba-kun. I wouls love to" I gave him a light smile and he returned it with a light smile himself.


"Mom! Where the yutaka?!"

"In my closest. You need any help?"


"So.. you going with a boy?" Her lips curved and turned into cat lips while I blushed a light rose.


"Oooo time to think of names for my grandchildren"



"Sorry I'm late Chiba-kun! Did I make you wait long?"

"Nah It's fine. I would wait an eternity for you." I giggled at that. It was cute. "Lets go?"

He grabbed my hand and started walking towards stalls. We played many games and ate so much food. It was the best night ever.

"Ow.." the skin on my heal started to peal and the sandel kept scrapping agaisnt it.

"Hey... are you okay y/n?"

"Y-yeah. I'-oww!"

"Holy- y/n it's bleeding! Lets get you home"

"B-but the festival..."

"We can go again next time."

He lifted me onto his back and started to carry me home. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his necj and played with his hair.

"Y/n... c-can I tell you something?"

"Mhmm go right ahead."

"I-I-I like no, I love you."

"Mhmm I love you too" I burried my face into his neck even more and grip his hair.

"Y/n.. that tickles."

"I love you so much Chiba-kun"

"I love you too y/n"


Holy Jisoo this is my first time writing so much fluff. Im so use to angust so I hope this is good. Writing this made me cringe but its worth it for you guys.

Ps. I need requests.

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