Reader X Nagisa

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"Nagisa! Help me over here!" Shouted Kayano. Sigh you were always jeleous at Kayano. She could alway call Naigisa so normally. You could never do that.

You were always that one quiet shy girl no one has ever noticed.

Not even him.
Nagisa Shioto
Childhood crush

Yes, you've known Nagisa since birth, and you couldn't help but fall in love with his blue hair and feminine figures.

Actually, you weren't always shy and quite. But something happened 5 years ago that changed you forever and probably never forget.

"Nagisa Nagisa!" You cried cheerfully at your blue haired best friend as you ran into the empty streets of your neighbourhood

"(Y/N)! Watch out!" Screeched Nagisa, pushing you out of the way of crashing stright into a red pickup truck, instead of pinning you down, it pinned down Nagisa. You couldn't help feel the guilt as you saw him being pulled away into the hospital.

He was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks and was in a coma for 1. You never got the courage1to visit him after he awoken but you wouldn't leave his side when he wasn't.

You were bullied daily because of Nagisa's absense. That made you the shy and quiet girl you are now. You were scared that it would happen again if you ever got close to anyone. You were so scared, scared with no saviour. You didn't get sent to class E because of grades or what not. You were in  class C but you were disrupting the flow of the class. So they kicked you out.

I want to talk to him again. Maybe then he'll remember me. I want him to remember me, but I'm scared. Hurry up and save me already... Nagisa.

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