Asano X Reader [ Angest ]

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"Asano-kun? Why did you want to meet all of a sudden?"

"Listen..(Y/N)-chan, I never really loved you in the first place.... it was all a lie. I needed to kill time. I was bored"

"B-but Asano-kun! I love you."

"Yea, sorry. Don't feel that way about you. I never had and I never will." He said, walking away.

Alright if you haven't already known, Asano and I were the school's big time couple. Sure there are other people I would date instead of Asano but he made everything so romantic, I could never believe he did it just to pass time. That can't be the truth. I won't aceept this at all. No way no way.

"A-asa-" I tried calling out to him but I got interupted by some girl screaming at me

"DON'T CALL HIM THAT. DON'T EVEN TALK TO HIM! DON'T YOU SEE YOU BROKE UP WITH YOU? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO HIM ANYMORE!" That voice is to fimillar. Oh right. I know who that voice belongs to. (Friends/Name). My one and only friend.

"W-wait (Friends/Name)?"

"I don't want to be your friend. I never wanted to. I only became friends with you to get closer to Asano-sama. Now that you two broke up, I have no need to be your friend anymore. Bye bitch."

Why. Why me. Why does this always happens to me? I did nothing wrong. So why did this happen? I just want to kill myself. Not because I got dumped. Not because my only friend never wanted to be my friend in the first place. To relieve everyone from me. So no one ever has to deal with stupid annoying me ever again.

I made a note on my and placed it in my desk. I placed another note telling then to check inside my desk. Pretty stupid right? I made my way up to the roof and looked down.

This should kill me right? Goodbye.


[ Bonus part. After you jumped ] Asano's POV

It was all over the news. She jumped. Was it all my fault? Is it because I was so bored that I could play with someone's feelings to the extent that they killed themseleves? Is her body still on the floor? I saw her jump. I heard her scream. I did nothing but watch. I watched her plummet to the ground insted of diving to save her like a hero. I kicked her over and over once she fell in front of me. I didn't bother to call 911 for her. I could've saved her. But no. I was a idiot and left her alone to study. What kind of person am I?

I arrived at school. Everyone was happy. All around me I heard people saying 'she finally killed herself' or 'dude I'm so glad she's gone. She was so annoying.' I got to class and heard the same things.

"Do you people have no shame. If you wanted her dead you could've done it yourselves. Why wait?" I spoke up. Wait why did I say that? I'm so stupid. I looked her so her desk. She should be sitting there reading a book or studying. But she was no where to be found. Instead replaced by a note.

'This is from (F/N) before I jumped. Read the other note inside my desk.' It read. I reached into her desk and to my surprise, it was completely empty except this one piece of paper which must be the other note, and an envolpe which is directed to me. I chose to read the note first.

It read 'Hey my fellow students. If you're reading this then I must of already jumped and now gone. There are some things I wanted to tell you this. No I did not jump because Asano-kun dumped me. In fact, everyone must be cheering that my annoying self is gone. That is why I jumped. To bring you all happiness and to rid you all of my annoying self.

(Friends/Name), thank you for being my friend even if you never wanted to.

Asano-kun. The letter is for you. Please only open it when you are ready. I love you. I have and alway will. Goodbye everyone. Have fun at the 'goodbye (F/N) party. I hope I have brought you some good cheers due to the fact that I have left and never returned. And also, Asano-kun. I knew you were there when I jumped. I knew you could catch me. But you chose not to.' Without even knowing, before I even reached the end, I was crying buckets. Please come back. I beg you. I'm sorry. The note eventually got passed around the entire school and not a single person who read it didn't cry. No one was happy she died anymore. Mainly because she died for our sake. Not hers. She was thinking about us for the whole time we never even thought about her once. She was never invited to parties or get togethers. No one wanted to invite her. Everyone bullied her. Yet she died for us. So we could be happy. No one threw a party. No one could concentrate in class. Everyone was thinking about her. How it was never her fault. It was ours. We just always blamed her because she was so convenient to blame and always took our punishments. She never argued back that she was being blamed. She just took the punishment. Whether it was cleaning the school or a week of detention. She always did it without hesitation. For us. I think only now we've come to relise how hard it must've been for her. We were too late. And now, every single one of us are here, at her funeral, crying and apologizing.

Lool sorry if Asano was a bit OOC but lol. Based on a true story. Guess who's story? Yup author-chansss ahaha. Asano is the only one I could think of the fit this role. Exept the difference is that me and my crush weren't dating yet. And I didn't jump. Ahah rip author-chan and argg updates not working properly.》

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