Been that way (17)

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Remember when I said I'm doing skips?
Welp here's a skip.

Zyan Grey Alston in MM:

1 month later:

Z Y A N :

" She been here for too long Denise "

" that's my bestfriend I'm not about to put her out on the street!" She yelled back.

Lately we've been veering into arguments all the time because I feel like Candice have over stayed her welcome .

" why she can't go stay with legend they did fuck right?"

" so because they fucked , 31 days later he should just let her stay with him."

" I just want her gone"

" zyan .. You don't even stay here this is my parents house"

" but you know when I come what's bound to happen but lately everytime I come over , I can't cum over .

" fine zyan, I'll get her to leave"

Nodding at her agreement , I smiled finally having my baby back.

D e n i s e :

As much as I didn't want to kick my bestfriend out, I felt it was for the best; she wasn't there for me when I needed her, so why should I sacrifice my relationship for her?

She has legend she doesn't need me anyway .

I waited for her to get home so I can tell her that her stay is no longer welcome.


" hey D" Candice spoke as she tossed her purse on the couch and sat beside it

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" hey D" Candice spoke as she tossed her purse on the couch and sat beside it.

"Hey , I need to talk to you" I stated ready to get this over with. 

" is it about rent? I got paid today so I can give you and your parents some money , I really appreciate you letting me stay here, I won't be here much longer I promise"  she rambled . Making this harder than it has to be .

" Candice you have to go" I blurted

" where am I gonna go Denise you know I'm having family issues" she started off.

Typical Candice stay making shit about her.

" go to legends house I don't care honestly, I'm tired of always putting you first, YOU NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO GOES THROUGH SHIT CANDY! "

" don't you think i know that Denise! And what is that supposed to mean " always putting me first?" You feel like I'm a burden to you?"

" Physically and mentally Yes, I'm tired of always trying to cheer you up because of your fucked up self esteem . "

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