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Hello muh'fucks hey, hi, how you doin? It's A.solo baby bout to take a shit and urine on the toilet bowl- okay I'm done.😭 #teamWeezy man I love dude , super upset he retiring 😪. Aight, I skipped Christmas in here, didn't mean to so this is a flash back chapter meaning it's all omniscient that's cool? Oh yeah and this book has 6.8 k reads.

Guyssssss! 😩 I love you all to peices y'all my babies man

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Guyssssss! 😩 I love you all to peices y'all my babies man . #Ziah'Dolls poppinnnnnnnnnn

Candice in MM
Few days later...

C a n d i c e / omniscient :

Candice arose out of bed with soreness still evident In her thighs, back and legs. She look around for jaxon but he was out of bed .

Candice sighed, frustrated with the fact that she feels he's not talking to her like she thinks he should. And when he's upset lately he only takes it out on her and doesn't even cuddle after . Deciding to bring it up later she enters their bathroom and turns on the shower .

While Candice was at home dressing up for the day, legend was driving around picking up things for tonight he's noticed how's he's been acting with Candice lately and what other way to apologize than taking her out and spending time on her? He thought turning into the parking lot of Tiffany's & Co. he switched the car off and entered picking up his gift. Tonight was huge for the both of them.

As the day went on Candice finally found the necklace she was looking for, legends mom had this angel necklace that was passed from her grandmother and she passed it on to her husband, and was planning to give it to her son, unfortunately she passed before she could, but she started looking online for it and called the police station that handled legends parents case, the necklace was still in their possession, and they gladly let her have it since the necklace wasn't a significant piece of evidence .

My legend 😋💕: get dressed up love, I'm on my way 

Looking down at her phone she smiled brightly .


"Candice what the hell you got on?" Legend asked after she buckled up and shut the door, destiny was with her teacher again so the house was empty

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"Candice what the hell you got on?" Legend asked after she buckled up and shut the door, destiny was with her teacher again so the house was empty.

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