We'll Get There - Future Trunks (Dragon Ball Z)

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  "Think of all the things he's done, [Name]!  All the cities he's destroyed, all the innocent lives he's ended!  He killed our friends!  Everything he does is for his need for power!  And he doesn't care!"

  I gritted my teeth as the flow of energy pumped through my veins.  Every fibre of my being was screaming to stop, the pain in my muscles was unbearable.  My trainer continued feeding our rage. 'Our' rage, being mine and my boyfriend, Trunks.  He was only a few metres away, obviously going through the same surge of power as me.

  "He draws the life out of children!  Children who have done nothing wrong!  He sucks the life out of mothers and fathers as their kids stand and watch!  He crushes buidlings and homes!  Thousands of people have been slaughtered, hundreds have been left homeless, for what?  For power!  Pointless, selfish, meaningless power!"

  I shrieked at the top of my lungs as my hair started to flicker into dazzling gold.  I felt a slight burning in my eyes, and I knew the pupils were about to turn icy blue.  Before it could happen, though, my entire body went slack.  I fell to my hands and knees, gasping for breath.  Nearby, Trunks was yelling and screaming, but soon he too gave in to his own weakness and collasped in the same way as me.

  I heard footsteps coming towards us, and I looked up to see my older brother and trainer, Gohan, bending down to help me up.  "You guys were nearly there!" His facial expression was cheerful like always, but I could see the impressed look in his eyes.  "There's no way Cell will be able to stop us once you guys have reached Super Saiyan 1!"

  'Hey, what about me?" Trunks groaned, struggling to get up while Gohan practically lifted me to my feet with one arm.

  "Pfft, you can get up youself!"

  "Gohan, don't be mean to Trunks!" I scolded him as I felt my strength coming back.  I went over to Trunks and helped him up.

  "See, at least someone in your family still loves me," Trunks smirked and pecked me on the lips.

  "Oh, cry me a river," Gohan joked.

  "Yeah, so you can throw me in it and leave me to drown, then when I get out you can toss a towel in my face and tell me that I needed to kick my legs harder!"

  "I still can't believe you did that to him," I said, shoving Gohan lightly.

  "Yeah, yeah, it's not my fault he's a terrible swimmer!"

  "Hey!" Trunks protested.

  Gohan looked over at me.  "[Name], we have to get home, so if you can tear yourself away from my best friend..."

  "Aww, can't I go to Trunks' house?  Pleeease?"  I made adorable puppy eyes at him, knowing that he couldn't resist them.

  "Argh...fine, be home by 9:30!"  Gohan messed up my hair and grinned in amusement at my annoyed face before flying away.

  Trunks waved goodbye and slung his arm around my shoulder.  I snuggled closer, loving the warmth coming from him.  "Um, [Name], we can't stand here forever," he laughed after a moment.

  I grumbled softly but detached myself anyway and powered up to fly.  "Hey Trunks?" I spoke up as we flew.


  "I've been thinking...do you think we'll ever be ready to face Cell?  I mean, you've heard what Gohan's said before; his and my dad's old friends died trying to put an end to him.  How can we do what they couldn't?  We're only sixteen!"

  He flew closer to me and grabbed my hand.  "[Name], we'll get there soon, I promise.  And when we do face Cell, I'll make sure I don't lose you to him."

  I smiled and squeezed his hand.  "And when you get your ass kicked, I'll be right there to save you."

  "Thanks [Name] - wait, 'when'?"

  Laughing, I zoomed ahead of him, racing him to his house.

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