One-Handed - Riku (Kingdom Hearts)

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LOL. I don't even know why I wrote this.

Created by landriku29 on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 

Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Silence. Swish. Bounce.

I picked up the basketball once more from underneath the hoop. "Twenty-nine in a row," I muttered, dribbling the ball around my court-sized patio to try for one more basket. It was nighttime, and everyone on Destiny Islands was asleep. Exept for me.

Settling into position at my freethrow line, I balanced the ball in my hands and aimed carefully.

"FAIL!" someone called out just as I released it. The ball veered off completely, landing in a rose bush.

"Dammit Riku, that was my best so far!" I said angrily.

"Shh..." my boyfriend said hastily, glancing up at his house next door. "People tend to sleep at one thirty in the morning.

I managed to free the ball from the bush after being pricked a million times. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep at all. Did I wake you up?"

"Nah. Bad dream. I heard you cheering when you reached twenty-five perfect shots after I woke up. What's the big deal about this game anyway? All you have to do is throw a ball into a net hanging of a hoop. It's not even that hard."

Smirking, I tossed the ball to him. "I bet you couldn't even get three in," I challenged him.

He flung the ball at the hoop casually, without even looking and with only one hand. Even so, it flew at a flawless arc and swished perfectly through the net. He did it again...and again.

I snatched up the ball and stared at him in amazement. "How did didn't even...with only one..."

Riku laughed softly and kissed me lightly before he messed up my hair. "Like I said," he repeated, turning to go, "it's not even that hard." With that he jumped over your fence and went back into his house through the back door.

As soon as he left I tried throwing the ball at the hoop one-handed without looking.

It soared into the rose bush again.

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