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A/N~ Henry is played by Shawn Mendes. Some of Shawn Mendes' music will be referenced in this story. I do not own any of it. I also do not own any of Disney's characters. I do however own this story, and if I hear of anyone copying my ideas or characters without asking me beforehand, I will report it. So don't, please. There will be a sequel, entitled King of Hearts, but that won't be for a while. Thank you, and enjoy the story.

Henry's POV~

I stepped up next to Ben. I was wearing a white t-shirt with a black hoodie, a grey beanie, and      loose-fitting blue jeans. I had my earbuds in, listening to my favorite band, All Time Low. Ben tapped my shoulder and told me to take them out. I raised my eyebrow and took one out, smirking at him as I turned back to watching for the limo to arrive. I heard the marching band start up before I saw the limo.

It pulled into it's place as the driver got out and opened the door for them. Two girls stepped out and stood to the side as the two boys tumbled out, fighting over something. I didn't take time to find out what it was and I jumped forward to grab it. I got it and looked at what was in my hand.

"You two were fighting over a scarf?" I said as I laughed.

"So that's what it is..." the short one mumbled. I grinned even more at that. Then I heard a cough behind me from Ben, telling me to get back there. I tossed the scarf to the taller one, who was about the same height as me, and stepped back into line next to Ben.

"Hi, I'm Ben-" my brother was cut off by his bitch-of-a-girlfriend.

"Prince Ben, soon to be king," she said as she clung to his arm even tighter.

"You had me at Prince," Evie said as she curtsied. "My mom's a Queen, which makes me a Princess."

"Your mo-" I reached around the back of Ben to poke her in the back, effectively getting her to shut up. Ben smiled at her, and she stood back up and stepped back to her friends. She was cute.

"And this is Audrey-" he attempted to continue.

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend," she interrupted him again. Evie looked disappointed.

"And this is Henry," he said motioning to me. No interruptions, no corrections, even though I was a Prince. You see, Audrey hates me. She doesn't think I should be royalty at all. But that isn't why she hates me. She hates me because I see through her act. Her "I'm perfect, wouldn't harm a fly" act. If she could, she would have the fly population go extinct. Everyone was looking at her waiting for her to correct him, but she was too absorbed in checking her nails. We were pulled out of the awkward silence by fairy godmother pushing her way through those two, therefore breaking them apart. She was on her speel, and the one who I assume was Mal, was talking to her. Then I heard the phrase that was always hysterical.

"And as I always say," she began, and I got ready to mimic. "Don't focus on the past, or you'll miss the future." She said it with her hand motions, and I mouthed it behind her with over exaggerated motions. Carlos, Jay and Evie were stifling giggles, and Mal had an amused smirk on her face as she looked at me. Ben smacked my arm.

"What?" I asked him as I laughed. Fairy Godmother continued as if she hadn't noticed, which she probably hadn't. Ben did his introduction speech, and Mal called him on how formal it was and they had a moment. Audrey started to step forward to stop it, but I grabbed her arm stopping her. She whipped her head around, glaring at me. When she turned her head her hair brushed the back of Ben's neck, pulling them out of their moment anyway. I released Audrey's arm, there was no point anyway. He stepped back to Audrey and she stepped forward to confront Mal, and Ben tried to stop her this time, but was unsuccessful.

I looked at the rest of them, and nodded my head, indicating them to follow me. When we were out of earshot, next to the statue of King Beast, I clapped my hands making it transform. Carlos squealed and jumped into Jay's arms. I looked at them and could sense there was something there. I was the Prince of Hearts after all. Ben had noticed and ran over, leaving the girls to have one last glare at each other, before they followed him.

"It's okay Car-" I cut him off with an elbow to his ribs.

"They're having a moment." I hissed at him. But I'd been too late, Jay was already setting Carlos down.

"It's meant to do that, Carlos." Ben finished explaining to him.

"Yeah, okay, I get it." he mumbled.

Ben continued leading the tour, until we got into the school, and he passed it off to me to show them to their dorms. They tried to find them on their own, and ended up going the wrong way.

"You're dorms are this way guys." I said as I began to lead them to the other way. I noticed Evie hadn't fallowed her friends, instead waiting for me to tell them which way to go. Or maybe she didn't notice they had left, she was standing in front of them. She walked next to me.

"So how do you know Ben?" she asked.

"Well, I was raised as his brother." I told her. The other three were running ahead, but I didn't care. I did it too when I got here.

"So, you're a prince then? And what do you mean by raised?" She questioned.

"Yes, I'm a prince, but not of Auradon. Wonderland. I was raised by Queen Belle and King Beast because Belle wanted another son, but couldn't have one. And Wonderland needed and Heir to the throne, and King Beast didn't want a Purebred raised by villains." I explained, waiting for more questions to come.

"Wonderland? Purebred? Villains? Wait, who are your parents?" she asked. I only had to answer the last question for it all to make sense to her.

"Hades and the Queen of Hearts."

"Oh," she began. "So that would make you the Prince of Hearts." 

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