A Misspelled Cookie

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Ben's POV~

I was listening to Audrey complain about Mal having and using magic. Actually, I was tuning it out. Don't get me wrong, she's nice, sort of. And I like her too, but. I don't know. Ever since Mal got here I've been sort of questioning whether Audrey and I are right for each other like everyone thinks. Or do they think that?
"Ben," she whines. "Are you even listening?"
"Sorry, I got distracted, what were you saying?" I apologized.
"Never mind," she huffed. Before I had a chance to object, she walked away, her heels clicking on the ground. I looked over to my left and saw Mal at her locker. Speak of the devil, I thought. I tried to think of an excuse to talk to her as I took the steps to get closer to her. She painted her locker. Would that work? How could I twist that? I thought, but before I could, I was standing next to her and she had shut her locker.
"You could take that talent off the lockers and into art class?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.
"Way to take the fun out of it," she said. I smiled at her as she looked at me.
"Oh yeah!" She said, as if she remembered something. She reached into her bag and pulled out... were those cookies?
"I made chocolate chip cookies, do you want one?"
"Oh, I can't," as I said it her face fell. "It's just that I don't normally eat sweets before a big game."
"Oh no, I get it. Don't eat cookies offered to you by a villain kid, everyone in Auradon probably knows that."
"No that's not it," I tried.
"No, it's smart. Oh well, more for me I guess." She says as she went to take a bite out of one. I snatched it out of her hand and took a bite out of it.
"See? I completely trust you," I said through my mouthful. "And are those walnuts?" She nodded. "I love walnuts." As soon as I finished my sentence, a tingling sensation began at the back of my throat. I closed my eyes and willed it to go away, but it just spread through my head like a migraine, but much more pleasant. I opened my eyes when I heard Evie whispering something to Mal. When I did the tingling went away, and it was replaced by a flutter in my heart.
"Has your hair always been that blue, Evie?" I asked.
"Ummmmm..." She responded.
"Crap," Mal muttered. Just then Henry stepped between Evie and I.

"Hey Evie," He said and his head tilted to the side, I assume he was giving his signature grin.

"Hi Henry, I'm kinda busy, but what did you want?"

"Oh, sorry, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the game with me." He asked. Wait what? I don't know why but I didn't want her to go with him. I stepped forward and grabbed his arm, turning him around to face me. 

"Like she said, she's busy," I growled. He looked back and forth between us. 

"Woah, um. Ok. I guess that's a no then." He said as he went from holding his hands up to shoving them in his in his pockets turning around on his heel and walking away. I turned back to Evie. She glared at me. Then she turned towards Henry.

"Henry wait up!" she said as she rushed after him. He was only about ten feet away, still in earshot. 

"I would love to go to the game with you, if the offer still stands that is."

"Yeah of course it does! Wait, so you and Ben?" 

"No! He has a girlfriend doesn't he?" He lowered his voice on this next part so I only heard, 'for long.' But I didn't pay attention as my mind raced. She likes him?! No. This can not be happening. 

"Hey bro, you like Evie huh?" Carlos asked me.

"Wha, huh?" I said turning to him, realizing he was there and Jay was behind me. Mal had dissappeared and Evie had walked off with Henry. I glared at his back as he walked away with her.

"He said, you, like Evie." Jay said, stepping to my right. I sighed, letting the anger and, was that jealousy, go.

"That obvious?" I said hoplessly.

"Well, you looked like you wanted to kill Henry when he asked her out," Carlos said. I looked at him and something in the back of my mind told me I should be liking him, not Evie. But I brushed the thought off. I had been too absorbed in my thoughts to notice the dissappointed look on his face. Before I knew it he and Jay had walked off.

Heny's POV~

I saw Evie and jogged over, standing in front of her.

"Hey Evie," I said tilting my head to the side as I grinned.

"Hi Henry, I'm kinda busy, but what did you want?" she said glancing past me. I turned my head a little seeing Ben behind me. Did I interrupt something? I thought.

"Oh, sorry, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the game with me." I turned back to Evie, expecting her to say no, and brush me off to talk to Ben. They always did and-

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Ben turned me around to face him by yanking on my arm. It didn't hurt me, but if I had been like any of the other twigs at this school it would've.

"Like she said, she's busy," he growled. Ok, that's not like him. I thought. I wanted Evie to answer, but I didn't want to piss Ben off. I looked back and forth between the two.

"Woah, um. Ok. I guess that's a no then." I took my hands and put them in my pockets and walked away with my shoulders down feeling dejected. My ears perked up and I turned around when I heard Evie telling me to wait up.

"I would love to go to the game with you, if the offer still stands that is."

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