Confrontation & Chemistry

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Henry's POV~

By the time Ben returned, Chad was back under the bleachers. This time I had a harder time figuring out who he was talking to. It was Audrey. Perfect.

"Hey babe?" he asked.


"When are you gonna dump Ben?" he asked. Woah, she was playing him? That's new.

"Babe, I told you, right before the coronation, so he doesn't have a chance to get a new date." Wow, she really thought about that. Just then I noticed Ben starting to come towards me. I had to stop him. He would be so hurt. Fuck, ok. I ran a hand through my hair as I stood up and jogged towards him.

"Hey man I think I just saw Carlos chasing Dude through the forest. You might want to help." I said, adding a chuckle to seem relaxed. He nodded a thanks. I'd just tell him it was a prank when he got back. I went back to my spot on the bleachers and kept listening.

"Ok." He said, with a hint of sadness.

"So what gold digger did you get to do your homework for you today?" She asked him.

"That new blue-haired one." he said, laughing at the end. I was already pissed at him for tricking her, and now he couldn't even remember her name?! I clenched my fist, trying to stop myself from going down there and at least threatening him, if not injuring him. I wonder how much trouble I'd get in if I snapped his neck? I dismissed the thought and swung myself through the bleachers, turning towards Chad with a glare that could kill.  I should know, my dad is the god of the underworld.

"Her name is Evie." I stated my voice low and threatening as I started toward him.

"Like I care what her name is." He said, standing up straight and making a pathetic attempt to look tough.

"Pathetic," I muttered as I punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back as Audrey screamed.

"I'll tell Ben you did that!" she said. I turned towards her and smirked.

"And how will you explain that you were telling Chad that you'd dump my brother for him?" I said, leaning down to her eye level. Her eyes widened. She turned and ran. I turned on my heel back towards Chad.

"And you, you will leave Evie alone. You will not tell her to do your homework for you, or talk to her at all again. And if you do, I will personally find you and take you with me on my next trip to my father's realm next time I visit. But I think we will leave your corpse here. Got it?" I threatened. He nodded as he backed away. He bumped into a post and turned and walked with his back to me as I heard Ben.

"Henry? Where are you?" he called. I popped my head through the bleachers.


"Carlos and Dude were right where I left them." I grinned.

"Bro it was a prank." I said with a laugh.

"Aw come on, you had me worried." He made a face at me as I climbed back through the bleachers. When I'd sat down on the bottom one I turned back to him.

"Is someone getting," I paused for a gasp. "Feelings?"

"Come on, I have a girlfriend dude," he said as he blushed. He's bi. I ignored the blush as I thought, Not for long you don't.

Later in class...

I hate tests. Not because I fail them, in fact I ace most of them without studying. But because the stupid Chem teacher takes my phone. No phone=No music. Which equals not focused, because I can hear every little sound. Why, you ask? Because I'M A FREAKING DEMIGOD. One of the reasons I hate my father. Believe me, it sucks when I have no music. So I'm working on this test, and I hear someone going through a bag muttering, "Where is it? Where is it?" I look up and see it's Evie, and then look over to Chad and see him smirking. That asshole, now he had someone steal from her? I thought. I know he didn't do it, he probably had Aziz do it for him. He's the best thief in the school. Actually, Jay might have him there...

"Looking for something?" the teacher said, holding up a mirror. Her magic mirror.

"Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code." He said, patting him on the back. He turned to Evie. "It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

"Mr. Delay, I-" she started.

"But that isn't fair," Doug started.

"Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that," I continued.

"Whatever it is," Doug finished.

"It's called a magic mirr-" she started again.

"You're not helping," I told her. While talking I'd walked over to stand behind her.

"Stop," he said, rather bluntly.

"Maybe she needed another pencil," I offered.

"Actually I was-" she tried again.

"Really don't help," I told her.

"Please," Doug tried.

"Please?" I asked Mr. Delay.

"Well, if you can pass this test without it, I'll return your property and let the matter drop." he responded.

I turned and smiled at Evie. She looked up at me and smiled back nervously. 

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