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"I- I DON'T know why he did

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"I- I DON'T know why he did." I spoke to Soda, confusion in my voice. 


"HEY, WIN." 

I stopped in my tracks and snapped my head around to look at Lucas. "Thanks for helping me about the vandalism thing." I chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck.

He flashed me a smile. "No problem. Are you free Friday night?"

"You know I'm with Soda now, don't you, Lucas?" I questioned, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow.

"That doesn't mean we can't go as friends."

"I'm busy Friday night, sorry." I started walking away and he grabbed me by the shoulder swiveling me around to look into his cold, blue eyes. 

"I said I'm taking you out Friday, so be ready by eight." He snapped and I scoffed, "You don't know me do you? When I say no, I mean it!" I punched him in his face, surprising him. I kicked him in his stomach, making him fly back onto the concrete. 

"Instead of taking me out on a date night Friday, I think you should go to the doctor. I may have crushed not only your insides, but your ego." I seethed and walked away, making sure to throw my middle finger up at him. 

When I walked in, the gang all glanced up at me. "Why do you have a smirk on your face, that's an evil old Skylar smirk!" Two-Bit shouted excitedly. 

All of the gang started throwing questions at me and I told them what happened. Soda stood up and clenched his jaw. "He touched you?!" He started raising his voice.

(over-protective Soda=hot)

"Soda, calm down. I took care of it." I pushed him back down on the couch and he sighed, "I'm letting it go, THIS time. Next time it happens, you're not stopping me."

I smiled and sat on his lap, laying my head on his shoulder. "You know what we should do today?" Two asked and we all groaned. His ideas were never good. They were dangerous.

He ignored all of our groans, making sure to shoot all of us a glare. "I say we should go to the bar. Let loose and stop being adults for a few hours." 

"Two, when have you ever acted like an adult?" I sassed.

"Hush it, Minnie." He sassed back, making me smile. He hasn't called me Minnie in forever. 

"Two-Bit, have you forgotten that Blue and I have kids?" Soda asked in a duh tone, raising his arms out. 

"Darry wouldn't mind babysitting them, would ya, Dar Bear?" Two questioned and Darry chuckled, "No, I wouldn't mind. I love those kids." 

"You should have some fun though, Darry." I pointed out. He never goes out with us. 

Darry waved his hand, dismissing my comment. "You all know I don't drink, so I will pass. Plus, don't worry. The kids and I have tons of fun baking and eating chocolate cake."

Drunk Love→ Sequel to Tough LoveWhere stories live. Discover now