Chapter 15:I'm Fine

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Star Pov
I lay cuddled up in bed with Marco, it's been awhile since we did any of this, we barely had time since we work and the kids "Marco..can we not work today and have fun?" I say messing around with his chin "I would love to, but you know I can't miss work..and plus Estella has ballet today and comet has basketball" I groan and roll out of bed "why is having a 3 year old and a 7 year old hard to manage?" He chuckles and kisses me "Hey, I promise we will have our us time, but now it's time for work, I gotta go bye, love you" I sigh "Love you too, later Marco"

I get up and look for clothes for today as I go through my closet I hear screaming and I groan "Comet Diaz" I wait for a response 'What?!' I walk towards my door and hear what's happening "Why do I hear Estella screaming and crying?!" He walks closer to the stair case and I look and see him 'Because she has my tablet and she almost broke it, mom this is like the 4th one dad bought me' I roll my eyes and walk downstairs and see Estella crying on the couch with her blanket

"Why are you two always fighting, your her big brother you should share things with her, come here Estella" I pick her up and she holds onto me 'Mom..she never gets in trouble how come I do?' Comet stormed upstairs to his room and slammed his door and I shake my head "What am I going to do with you two?" She giggles and I kiss her chubby cheeks "Let's get ready for ballet shall we?"

I get myself and Estella ready and check up on comet "Comet..are you ready for practice?" I knock and he opens it 'Yeah..' he looks at me and runs into me and hugs me tight 'Sorry mom for yelling back' I smile and hug him and kiss his forehead "It's okay, Estella what do you want to say to big brother?" She gave him her puppy face and took off her thumb 'I sworry..' comet chuckled and hugged and spun her around 'It's okay Ella, I still love you' I just smiled because my kids are just..adorable..

I move the two downstairs to be taken to their practices, as I finished putting Estella seatbelt my phone rings and I pull it out and it's Marco "Marco? What's wrong?" He sounded upset "I'll be right there.." I quickly start the car and bring the kids to their practices "Mom what's wrong with dad?" Comet asked "Daddy?" I looked through the mirror

"Dads fine, but you guys need to be at your places right now, I'll will pick you up at 4 if I don't ask Jane's mom to bring you home" I kissed his head and gave me a look and walked to his friends and I look back to Estella, "Alright pretty girl" after dropping her off I sped quickly to the hospital and I search for the room and I see Marco with his hands on his face "How is he?" He looked up with red dead eyes "Oh Star.." he pulled me close to him and cried..

I held on him and felt his heart beating slowly and we walk into the room and I see his father laying with tubes and wires all around him "Star...nice seeing you" I tried holding my tears back but I couldn't " you feeling.." he sighs and smiles "Alright..a little tired" I giggle and Marco holds his hand and his wife "Oh Raphael, why do you scare us" he chuckles with a cough and I watch the scene

'I'll be fine, it was small heart attack, I'll just need to stay healthy Angie" I wipe tears away and put my hands on Marcos shoulders and kiss his head "I'll be fine, I promised I'll be here for your wedding, I wouldn't miss it son" Marco held my hand and nods "Take some rest dad, you need it" he nods and Marco and me walk out the room and I take a deep breath "It's going to be okay"

After seeing his father we headed to pick up the kids, Marco went go get comet and I went to get Estella, as I got home I could tell Marco looked stressed and depressed "Hey.." I say as I walk near him and wrap my arms around his chest and put my face on his back "He's going to be fine" Marco said "Yes he is, your father is a strong man, he got this"

(Kinda a depressing moment but yeah and there will be better moments hope you liked this part later 😉)

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