Chapter 28: Old memories

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Comet pov
As I kissed Jane goodnite my phone started ringing, As I checked it was Vanessa. Why was she calling me? "Hello?" "Comet, can we talk?" She sounded as she was hurt or was crying "Sure where?" As I snuck out to the park I see her on the bench holding her face filled with tears "Comet! Thank goodness"

I was confused she had a boyfriend and he was twice as big as me "What's going on?" She wiped her face as she relax a bit "Kale and I broke up, he said I was cheating on him with another guy even if we're together all the time! I couldn't deal with his jealousy or his trust issues"

why was she telling me this? "Okay, I'm sorry you guys broke up but don't you have friends that can help you get through this, no offense but my girlfriend would kill me if she saw us together, alone in a park"

she chuckles "Well, my friends aren't always there for on the other hand was always there" I make a weird noise as I tried to compose myself "Yeah, Ness im gonna leave, sorry the break is hard but I really can't be out here with you.." she sighs

"You too, everyone leaves my side because I'm annoying or I'm a slut or something shameful" she started crying and I felt a little bad "Ness, why don't we get some hot chocolate or something" she smiles and we head to a small cafe and ordered our hot chocolates

"To think he cared what I felt, yeah right" she rambles on bashing kale but I couldn't blame her, I dated her in my sophmore year and people talked behind our backs, no matter who you were one at school knows me and Jane are a couple and we tend to keep it that way..knowing the hurtful things they say about her and her parents, its wrong

"So, your dating Jane now?" I popped out of my thoughts and looked at Vanessa "Yeah, she's unique" ness smirked "unique?" I nodded "Yeah, the things she does are what I love about her, I was just too blind to actually picture myself with the queen of rage, but I'm the only person who actually understands her feelings"

Vanessa sighs as she took a sip "What did you think of our relationship?" i shrugged, I just got to my goal but I wasn't sure about us "I was surprised you actually gave me a chance and also kinda unsure what to expect from the both of us, we were way liked things that I hated and you hated the things I liked, we were opposite"

she giggles "Well there was one thing we both loved" I raised a brow at her "What was it?" She smirked "Love Sentence Jr" I laughed and nodded "Oh my God yeah, we would spend hours singing even though its the kids of the famous LS they were bomb"

we laughed a bit more "Yeah only thing that kept us okay" I sigh remembering about our arguments "Yeah..whoa its way past my bedtime" she giggles as she looked at me "You have a curfew?" I groan

"I'm not really on good terms with my dad so he set a time for me to be in bed, I usually stay up talking with Jane on my phone" she sighs "Oh, alright well I guess we should go then"

I walked her home first, we stayed silent for a bit until she started talking "Hey, want to maybe hang out sometime?" Not a good idea, remember who you are dating "Ness, I'll think about it okay? I know your intentions and I'm not comfortable if that is okay with you" she nods acting okay but I knew she wasn't

"Duh, of course you can't because of Jane..thanks for hanging with me" I nodded "Same, take care" I waved and she attacked me with an embrace "Bye comet" she let go and took off as I began walking there stood my beautiful angry girlfriend

"Jane! Uh its not what you think" I was preparing for her to chew me out but instead she took a breath and walked towards me "My therapist told me to take deep breaths if I'm upset or angry, comet my room now"

she said calmly and I was a little worried, I was so getting grounded again its close to midnight "are your parents home?" She shook her head "Nah, mom is probably looking for my dad at a bar, now come on" as we entered her room we say in her bed

"Explain why you were out with uh vanessa?" I took a deep breath looking at Jane who was holding her hands in fists "She needed a friend to talk to, her boyfriend broke uo with her, I tried telling her I was with you and she understood, she just rambled on and I just didn't care until she brought up old things"

Jane let her fist go and looked at me "What did she say?" I held on Jane's hand as I looked at her "She brought up our old relationship, she just started to remember the things we did and then she asked about you"

Jane held tight "Don't worry, it was all good things..I told her how unique your are and talked about your special talents..she told me it was crazy but I told her no its not because I truly know you, we've been friends since we were kids look at us now.

Almost adults and thinking what to do with our life" she smiles and pulls my face for a kiss "Your a dork" I chuckled "Yeah but I'm your dork, love you Jane" she smiled "Love you too" she embraced me tight and I checked the time

"I'm so getting grounded" Jane smirked "No your not, I'm gonna teach you how to sneak in before your parents even realize your gone" I gave her an uneasy look "How can I be sure I'll get away with this?" She grins "I am the daughter of a kleptomaniac woman who is very good at being sneaky"

I laughed and we took off to my house as we get there Jane shows me how to get up to my window "Watch me" she whispered as she quickly got up quick "Your turn" how in the world am I gonna do that?! "Jane, I can't do this" I whispered yelles "Yes you can"

"No! I can't I'll break my arm again" she groans "STOP BEING A BABY DIAZ AND CLIMB UP!" she says as she tries to call herself "Why don't you just walk through a door like a normal person" as I turn I see mom holding Elijah

"Hello Jane" Jane smirked "Hello Mrs Diaz" I awkwardly chuckled as mom pulled me by my arm "Your lucky your father took a sleeping pill, no more sneaking around" I nodded "Yes mom" Jane came down the stairs quietly "I'm sorry, I'll see you at school"

I nod as she gave me a quick kiss and took off "Am I in trouble?" Mom shook her head "No, but your grounded for a week" I saw that coming "Alright, well I'm going to bed" she nods "I'm gonna check on you in a few, better be asleep by then" I nodded and changed my clothes and jumped into my bed

"And we will be.. just friends~" 

A/n updated lol hope you liked this part it was just memories to be honest lol

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