Chapter 27: Love is torn

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Ella pov
I was in the car with kaden ignoring my father's calls, I know he cares about me but kaden isn't like the other guys! He's the most sweetest guy I've ever met and I'm glad I met him when we were kids "Maybe I should bring you back" I look at him as he held guilt in his face as we stopped at a stop sign "What?"

"I never really had a father who cares that much for his own kid, and I just don't want him to hate me more since I just drove off with his daughter" I sigh and smile, he's great "Estella I'm bringing you back to your father, you can hate me a-" I cut him off with a soft gentle kiss "Alright, plus I understand babe"

he smiles and makes a u-turn as drives  down my road as I see my house I see my parents sitting on the porch, I was a little nervous but I have to face them "I'll see you at school, love you Ella" I smiled and kissed him quick "Love you too, bye" as I got out the car he drove off and I stood there looking at my father who looked drained as if he was drowning in his own tears.

I walked slowly towards him as he stood in place, mother left us alone outside and I was scared I'll get in more trouble than I'm already am "Dad?" I was a couple inches away and he waited for me to continue "I'm sorry I acted the way I did, but you keep babying me when you don't need to..maybe I stepped out of line but I truly do mean sorry"

I watched him as he walked towards me as he towered above me and wrapped his arms around me, he held tight and started to made me cry as well. I caused him to feel like this because I wanted to prove him that I can handle it "Dad.." he shakes his head "Its okay" he said near my ear and I smiled, I never want to fight with my father ever..I'm his princess after all?

After we relaxed and talked it out we entered with the rest of the family who was just gaming in the living room, Well mostly Jane and Comet "Hey Dad..ella" I chuckled a bit "Hey Mr Diaz, hello ella" I joined in as I hopped over the couch and hugged them both "I love you guys" they both kissed my cheek and messed with me hair "Love you squirt" "Love you sis"

I felt loved when I'm with them "Comet it's a school night, so no late game sessions, as much as I like having Jane around she needs to go" "I know dad, she'll leave in a couple minutes" dad shook his head and went upstairs "Seems I can't stay long" "Its been a long day" I nodded "That's true, I'm heading to my room later guys see you at school"

they both nodded but not before Jane embraced me right and kissed my face "Night my beautiful flower" I giggled and blushed at how embarrassing she could be "Jane..cut it out" we giggle and she lets go "Bye" I wave and head to my bedroom and just lay on my bed "What a day"

As I finish the last of my homework I heard a knock "Come in" as I look it's my dad "Hey princess, I wanted to apologize to you for overreacting about the boy, I was jealous that another guy had my sweet little girls attention"

he held my face which I roll my eyes "Dad, you'll always be number 1 for me, so don't ever worry okay?" He smirks and I crawl over and hug him tight

"Okay, and it's okay you can still see that boy, even though he's a little older than you" "Daddy?" He chuckles "Sorry, I would want to do over having a dinner with him or anything so we can get to know each other" I nod and giggle a bit

"Of course, but you have to trust me from now on" he nods "I'll try to, I love you sweetheart" I smile "Love you too dad" he kissed my head and left "Goodnight" I nod and go back to my homework and I notice a text from Kaden

(Kaden♡》So did everything go well?)

I tossed my phone and looked over the flowers he gave me as the petals start to wilt "Love is hard.."

A/n hello so I updated this book..Yeah so weird it's been awhile and I just thought why not right? A little father daughter bonding, it's just a cute chapter overall hoped you liked it bye!

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