Chapter 20: Something New

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A/n okay guys I know been like forever since I updated this book, that is because I didn't think people would still read this and to be honest I was gonna end it at part 20 and make the second book only about their kids and situation but they have plenty on her so why not right? I hope you enjoy and later guys!

Comet Pov
The ride home dad just kept silent and I looked out the window, as we pulled up on the driveway he held my shoulder "Comet, I don't want to be the bad parent, you know we raised you well, but next time tell us where you go no more lying okay?" I nodded "I will, I'm sorry dad..I bet mom is upset" he nods "Oh yeah, we were waiting on you to tell you that your gonna be a big brother again" I was shocked, another sibling? Wasn't Estella enough?

"Another baby? That's cool" I say forcing a fake smile "Your mother said you didn't like the idea of us having another one, it kinda hurt her feelings comet" I never knew that hurt her, she didn't even tell me she was "How was I supposed to know that?" He sighs "Please stay out of trouble, and hand over your phone" I groan "Come on, give it" I pulled it out of my back pocket and gave it to him "Like I said grounded for a month" I roll my eyes "Yes sir, can I go now?"

He nods and I quickly go up to my room and slam it, now I'm gonna have another sister or brother, I hope it's a boy I really want a brother but then he'll bother me too, I can't win.. "Comet?" It was my little sister "What do you want Ella?" I moved off my bed and opened my door "I'm grounded.." she wrapped her arms around me and I sigh and let the tears fall while I held on her "You needed this, and I was scared for you" I wiped my face an looked down at her "Don't worry, I won't do that ever again" she smiles "You promise?"

"I promise, love you Ella" she kissed my cheek "Love you comet" she walked back to her room and I slowly closed my door and lay in my bed, I wonder if Jane is okay, her dad looked pretty upset with her..

The next day I walked downstairs to the smell of my dad's waffles, I loved when he made waffles on the weekends and it meant he didn't work and spend time with us "Morning" I say and I see my mother rush and hug me tight, I haven't seen her since I came home "Comet, are you okay I was so worried" I held back, I felt bad that I caused her to worry and hurt her feelings about another baby, I'm just going on a rollercoaster of mixed emotions

"I'm sorry mom..I didn't mean to hurt you..I'm so sorry" I bury my head in her shoulder and she held on the back of my head and wrapped closer "It's okay, I still love you" I let out a small cry "I love you too" as we wiped our faces dad served me a plate, as I ate I saw Ella walk in and go straight to my dad "Daddy..will I still be your princess when the baby comes?" Mom looked at her and I did too, guess I'm not the only one that seems to feel like this "Of course, you'll always be my princess forever and ever" she smiled and giggled and hugs dad

"Thanks daddy" this baby fever is getting to people as I get to my room I see Jane and I quickly lock my door "How did you get in here? My room is on the second story?" She laughs "You do know who my mother was right?" I roll my eyes "What are you doing Jane? I thought you were in trouble?" She lays back on my bed "I am, but my dads on a business trip and mom doesn't care what I do, so I'm here.." I lay beside her and look up at my ceiling that's covered in glow in the dark stars I had since I was a little kid "How's Alex"

I say without even thinking "Alright I guess, I don't care about him anymore..we broke up" I turned my head and saw her look upset "What happened? Did he hurt you in any way?" She turns to me and shakes her head "Nope, he found someone better then me..Jess" man that sucks and I'm glad she broke up with him, he wasn't right for her "Good, he wasn't good for you, and you even knew that Jane, find someone that treats you well and actually likes spending time with you" as I look at her I see her blushing and I blush a bit, I didn't mean to embarrass her

"Sorry, still on edge about last night and stuff" as I look up I felt hands grab my face and face Jane, my heart was racing and I didn't know what was gonna happen "Why is it your the only guy that cares and treats me right?" She leans and kisses my cheek "I'll see you around, bye Diaz" she left out my window and I stayed there blushing like an idiot, until it clicked in my mind 'Jane likes me' I stand up quickly and run to my window where I see Jane walking off, she likes me..but do I feel the same?

After showering I went downstairs and heard the doorbell ring and I answer it and it's Vanessa "Hey comet" I freeze up a bit "Uh..hey Ness, what's up, what are you doing here?" Acting cool, she started to giggle her eyes were so beautiful "I wanted to apologize for what happened, I'm sorry you got arrested I wasn't thinking" I sigh "It's cool, at least it made me look cooler?" She laughs "You clown, see you at school" as she heading to leave I jog up to her

"Hey, wanna go to the movies Friday? My place cause I'm grounded so I can't leave" she smirks and nods "Sure, see you then" she kissed my cheek and went on her way, I smile as my heart flutters "Bye Vanessa.." I say and as I turn I see my sister smirking "Your not allowed to step foot out of the house" she was about to scream but I covered her mouth "You too, your grounded as well remember?" She groans " owe me" I rolled my eyes "Whatever.." now I have two girls that likes me..great

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