Chapter 11:Baby Time!

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Star Pov
Its been a couple months since Marco finished building the nursery and it's been going good and my stomach is getting bigger each day, I'm so excited..

after eating a tub of ice cream I walk upstairs to my bedroom and I'm feeling slight pains on my side, I stop and hold the side, I was alone in the house because marco was at work "I..I need to call him.." I pull out my phone and dial Marco "Pick up.." I wait to hear a voice so I know I'll be okay "Star what's wrong?" I groan in pain

"I don't me!" "I'll be right there!" The line went dead and I tried going down the stairs as I was reaching the bottom, everything started to look blurry as I took one more step I fell on my knees and fell on my back and closed my eyes..

When I woke up I was in the bed and room was white "Marco?" I said softly "Star! Your okay..I'm sorry I wasn't there in time" I was hooked onto monitors and wires "Is the baby okay?" Marco nods

"Yeah the baby is okay..I guess it made you feel pain because it's running out of room" I sigh in relief that my baby is okay "Oh thank heavens, when is it due?" Marco sighs "We might have to have it before the due date since you passed out and your fully term" I hold my big belly and rub it

"Why are you so much trouble" as I talked to my belly the doctors come in along with our parents..which I didn't want them to find out but it was going to happen anyways "Before you guys talk to us saying we were stupid and young and made a small mistake we can take care of this baby" Marco said holding my hand

"Oh Marco, this is a beautiful thing, having a baby..that is a lot of work but I know you and star can handle this, I'm gonna be a grandma" his mother took it well but my father looked annoyed and mother didn't seem please either "Star..why didn't you tell us that you were expecting?"

I sigh "Because..I don't want to ruin the family name for a having a child before I'm married..I was going to tell you eventually" "When was that going to be? When you give birth? I thought you were smart enough to not get caught up with your fantasy" I looked away from my mother

"See..this is why I never wanted to tell you, I'm sorry I made a mistake but it happens and plus u don't live with you anymore..I have an house with Marco, I'm going to be working on my teen clothing store, I have things planned out, raising a baby is just a bump in the both can either support me or go"

The room fell silent and Marcos parents looked concerned along with Marco " what you like, I don't want part of this" mother walked out and I looked at dad "I'll support you darling, don't listen to your mother, love you so much" I smiled and he hugged me "Thanks dad.."

--------a week later--------

Since I had to come in a week later for me to give birth while I'm asleep I was super nervous about the whole thing..a c section because my baby isn't facing the right way to give birth "I'm terrified Marco, what if the baby somehow gets hurt or even worse!"

Marco giggled and kissed my head "'ll be fine, and I'll be with you in the room so when your asleep, know I'm there with you" I held on him and when it was time they rolled me out the room into the birthing room, it big and dark with a giant light shining on me, this made me scared even more

"Alright Star, I'm giving you this sleeping gas so you can sleep comfortably" I nodded and he put the mask and I saw Marcos face above me "Don't worry star I'll be right here" I felt my eyelids get heavier and I was having trouble keeping them open..last thing I saw was Marco kiss me..

Marco Pov
When star fell asleep, I knew it was happening, the big reveal the last time I will be alone well with Star..I was going to be a a baby that I made with Star..I wonder what he'll look like? Maybe look like me or look like Star, a mixture of both?

I stood with Star for almost 6 hours and when the doctors called me I walked over and saw my baby..he was so tiny and had lungs because he was crying so hard "Would you like to cut the cord Mr Diaz?" I nodded and cut it, they cleaned him up and wrapped in a blanket like a tiny burrito

"Congrats" I nodded and held him close, he had my hair color and stars skintone mix a little with mines "Hey's me dad and I will protect you for a long time" after an hour they put us back in the room and star woke up and I walked up to her "How is he?" I smiled "He's healthy, and he is doing great" she smiled weakly "I want to see him"

I called the nurse so they could bring him out "Thanks, what will you guys want to name him?" Star looked at me and glared a bit "You haven't named him yet? Marco are you for real?" Shrugged "What if I pick a name that you don't like huh? You'll be mad at me, I'm sorry that I waited for my girlfriend to wake up to name our child" she giggled "You turd" I sat next to her while she held the baby in her arms

"Comet Tyler Diaz" I smiled at the name "Comet, I like it" as the nurse gave me the birth certificate I wrote his name and gave her it back and I look at Star and little comet "We have some good genes" "Yeah..we do" we giggle and stay like this for awhile, this is real life and it's no joke, this baby is here and alive and we have to raise him well..

A/n happy Father's Day everyone hope you have a great day with your dads and family 😊❤

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